In General
ESO is working on the replacement of the present 2kx2k, 24µm pixels detector of FORS2 with a mosaic of two MIT 2kx4k, 15µm pixels red-enhanced chips with the first tests starting in late 2001. The goal is to get a much better sensitivity in the 700-1100 nm wavelength domain. Furthermore a lower readout noise will be achived at much higherreadout speed then with the Site CCD used with FORS2 so far.The detector upgrade including all software changes on the instrument sidewill be ready for operation in April 2002 with a temporary installation of the mosaic during the bright time in October/November 2001 for tests and commissioning.This page summarizes the changes expected to come with theCCD upgrade without being very accurate since most parameters are still tobe measured but it should be accurate enough for proposal preparations.There will be no changes for the observing block preparation of next observing Period 68 (October 2001 to March 2002)!
Detector Characteristics
High Time Resolution - HIT modes
One important change in the new configuration will be that the CCDs areread out in dispersion direction. As a consequence the high time resolutionmodes will have to be modified such that spectroscopy will be done withthe cross disperser grisms. This cannot be offered in time for Period 69 and has to be followed up later on.CCD Readout Modes
As a general rule only 2x2 binned readout will be offered (100kHz for spectroscopy and 225kHz for imaging) to obtain homogenous FORS archive data and to reduce calibration times. This will result in image scales of 0.25arcseconds/pixel in standard resolution and 0.125 arcseconds/pixel inhigh resolution mode. Unbinned readout modes for special applications (225kHz) must be explicitely requested and justified in the proposals.CCD Readout Time and Readout Noise
The new MIT CCD can be read out faster then the SITE CCD at lower RON.As a consequence of the changed readout direction there will be some overheadtime required to rotate the images. Therefore we request users to consider40s including the readout time and the so far unknown overhead time in the P69 proposals for every single CCD readout.
observing mode | readout speed | binning | RON in e- | readout time |
Site 2kx2k (old) | 50 kHz 1-port | 1x1 | 5.8 | 85s |
Site 2kx2k (old) | 50 kHz 4-port | 1x1 | 5.8 | 21s |
MIT 2x2kx4k spectroscopic | 100kHz 2-port | 2x2 | <3 | 25s |
MIT 2x2kx4k imaging | 225kHz 2-port | 2x2 | <4 | 10s |
CCD Response
![]() |
New Field Geometry
With the standard resolution collimator the field will be restricted by the geometry of the MOS unit which is permanently in the field of view and of approximately the same size as the 6.8 arcminute field of view of the previous configuration. In high resolution mode, the field of view will increase from 3.4' x 3.4' to 4.2' x 4.2'.The CCD mosaic is mounted off-axis to ensure that the target will fallon the upper (master) CCD and to ensure that the gap will fall betweentwo MOS slits.
Even though the enlarged detector size will be vignetted in the focalplane, there will be more freedom in selecting slits in a larger x-axesrange for a given wavelength range! In the example below the wavelenthrange was set to the nominal wavelength range (545 - 810nm) of grism 600RIwith the old SITE CCD. The inner blue box (between the two |X| |X|) is the additional space within slits can be placed with the MIT mosaic:
![[MOS in SR mode]](/sci/facilities/paranal/instruments/fors/inst/Images/fims_MIT_MOS_SR.jpeg)
The new field geometry for observations with the standard resolution collimator. The field of view will be limited in the focal field by the MOS unit (large blue rectangle).
![[IMG in SR mode]](/sci/facilities/paranal/instruments/fors/inst/Images/fims_MIT_IMG_HR.jpeg)
The new field geometry for observations with the high resolution collimator. The field of view will be limited by the size of the two CCD (two green rectangles).
User Interfaces
Exposure Time Calculators
The Exposure Time Calculator can be optionallyused with both detector response curves.The following photometric zero points were calculated with the ETCfor a zero magnitude star at zero airmass. The calculated performance canbe compared among the two CCD configurations and with data taken on the sky:
Filter | Calculated | Calculated | Measured |
MIT | SITE | Aug.18, 2001 | |
z | 27.15 | 26.31 | |
I | 27.63 | 27.26 | 27.23 |
Rsp | 28.20 | 28.13 | 28.13 |
V | 28.00 | 28.00 | 27.95 |
B | 27.60 | 27.64 | 27.58 |
Usp | 23.96 | 24.70 | 24.71 |
FIMS - Mask Preparation Software
FIMS will only support the modes for which mask preparation is absolutelyrequired: MOS, MXU and imaging with occulting bars. All other observingmodes like imaging, long slit and Echelle spectroscopy are supported with"fast mode" which should be more straight forward to prepare from thepoint of view of an observer.FIMS will display the CCD projected to the sky (green rectangles) and the field stop geometry in the focal plane of the telescope (blue rectangle).Observations and Target Acquisitions
All target acquisitions will be done based on acquisition images with theupper "master CCD". As a consequences users will be forced to select reference stars and reference slits only on the master CCD.The lower "slave CCD" will be merged based on transformations calculatedfrom pinhole masks by the FIMS mask preparation software and stand alone routines to be provided to the FORS users.Wavelength Coverage
Grism name +number | Wavelength range (SITE) | Dispersion | Wavelength range (MIT) | Order separation |
[nm] | [Å/mm] | [nm] | filter | |
GRIS_600B+22 | 345 - 590 | 50 | 330 - 621 | none |
GRIS_600I+25 | 690 - 910 | 44 | 663 - 939 | OG590 |
GRIS_300V+20 (1) | 330 - (650) | 110 | 330 - (650) | none |
GRIS_300V+20 (1) | 385 - (750) | 111 | 385 - (750) | GG375 |
GRIS_300V+20 | 445 - 870 | 112 | 445 - 870 | GG435 |
GRIS_300I+21 | 600 - 1100 | 108 | 600 - 1100 | OG590 |
GRIS_200I+28 | 560 - 1100 | 162 | 560 - 1100 | OG550 (cemented) |
GRIS_150I+27 (1) | 330 - (650) | 225 | 330 - (650) | none |
GRIS_150I+27 (1) | 385 - (750) | 230 | 385 - (750) | GG375 |
GRIS_150I+27 (1) | 445 - (880) | 230 | 445 - (880) | GG435 |
GRIS_150I+27 | 600 - 1100 | 230 | 600 - 1100 | OG590 |
holographic: | ||||
GRIS_1400V+18 (3) | 469 - 573 | 20.8 | 456 - 586 | none |
GRIS_1200R+93 (3) | 590 - 715 | 25.0 | 575 - 731 | GG435 |
GRIS_1028z+29 (3) | 790 - 930 | 28.3 | 773 - 948 | OG590 |
GRIS_600RI+19 (3) | 545 - 810 | 55 | 512 - 845 | GG435 |
GRIS_600z+23 (3) | 770 - 1036 | 54 | 737 - 1070 | OG590 |
2nd order: | ||||
GRIS_600I+25 (2) | 380 - 475 | 19 | 369 - 488 | FILT_465_250+82 |
GRIS_600z+23 (2,3) | 404 - 535 | 20 | 389 - 546 | FILT_465_250+82 |
(1) If used without or with the listed order separation filter, the orders will overlap above the given wavelength. | ||||
(2) Second order. | ||||
(3) Based on a volume phased holographic grating. |