The Base Camp is located at an altitude of 2,456 mts. The telescopes are at 2,635 mts.
Paranal is located 130 kilometers south of Antofagasta, approximately 2.5 hours from emergency medical services in Antofagasta—any medication should be brought with you.
We have a small paramedic clinic on-site equipped for work related accidents and emergency situations with doctors from the Chilean Safety Association of Antofagasta providing coordination and communication.
At your service is a fully equipped ambulance for transfers to a medical center, if an emergency so warrants; monitors and basic implements to stabilize and maintain the patient until they arrive at a medical center; telephone and radio communications and a coordinated emergency system; a Safety Officer and Paramedical Coverage 24 hours a day - 7 days a week.
The average humidity on Paranal can be as low as 10%. Please, drink plenty liquid.
Use protection sunglasses.
Let the Paramedic know if you suffer from any respiratory, cardiac, digestive, etc. diseases.
If during your time on Paranal you experience any of the following, please inform the Paramedic immediately: acute headache, dizziness, nausea, breathing problems, ringing or blocking of ears, chest pains, acute muscular pains, seeing “stars”.
Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) is mandatory in telescopes and other areas.
Due to Paranal´s isolated location, off-site walks are not recommended. The only authorized exit from the site is the entrance gate.
Safety Zones
The following are the designated meeting places in cases of emergency. They are located in key areas throughout Paranal.