Deep learning wavefront sensing with the CaNaPy LGS-AO facility

Description: CaNaPy is a Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics experimental facility installed at the ESA 1-m Optical Ground Station telescope in the Observatorio del Teide, Tenerife. The goals of CaNaPy are demonstrating LGS uplink precompensation, LGS wavefront sensing with a Pyramid Wavefront Sensor (PyWFS), and tilt correction using an LGS. For these purposes, CaNaPy is equipped with a state-of-the-art sodium guide star laser, a Shack Hartmann WFS and a Pyramid WFS. A dedicated Real Time Controller (RTRC) has been developed to support NGS and LGS adaptive optics control modes.

This project aims at developing a new deep-learning wavefront sensing mode for CaNaPy. The student shall train, integrate, and test a neural network tailored to the CaNaPy system. The goal is to evaluate the performance of correction on-sky, and compare to classic wavefront sensing. The work will be carried out at ESO Headquarters, and one mission to the observatory is expected for on-sky tests.      

Requirements: Experience in deep learning, wavefront sensing, and real time control (DARC, DAO, etc.).


Supervisor: Dr. Felipe Pedreros