During the successfull commissioning runs of UVES at the Kueyen telescope (October and December 1999 and January 2000) selected astronomical targets were observed to test the capability of the instrument at different wavelengths and resolving powers and to verify the performance of the pipeline data reduction. The spectra listed below have been all at least looked at by the commissioning team and found to be of a quality which warrants scientific work. Highlights of the science possible with some of these data have been given in the UVES-dedicated ESO press release 08/2000. The spectra integration times sum up to ~ 150 hours,for the largest part obtained in dichroic mode where the red and blue arms of the spectrograph work in parallel. The wavelength ranges covered by the spectra can be estimated from the mode and the central wavelength (CW) using the UVES Exposure Time Calculator. UVES Exposure Time Calculator.

The resolving power is normally 40000 (1 arcsec slit) or proportionally higher when narrower slits were used. The spectra have been obtained with different CCD configurations: the set-up information is contained in the FITS headers. The size of the unbinned frames is ~ 13 Mby (blue arm) and 35 Mby (red arm) . Typically the stellar observations have been obtained in the CCD unbinned mode, while the QSO observations have a 2x2 binning factor. The raw FITS files of the science targets (SCI) with the associated calibrations (the thorium-argon lamp, THA, the continuous flat-field lamp, FF, occasionally a narrow FF for the echelle order definition,ORDERDEF, and BIAS) and of standard star observations (STD) and slit viewer frames (SV) are released to the ESO community and can be obtained on request from the ESO archive.

The data of the HDFS quasar (JJ2233-60) are released worldwide. They are also available in reduced form (see the HDFS page in the HST European Coordinating Facility accessible through the ESO portal)

Garching, February and June 2000

If these data will be used for publications, please acknowledge that the results are based on public data released from the UVES Commissioning observations at the VLT Kueyen telescope.


Observations have been carried out in three main astrophysical areas: