KMOS Commissioning
KMOS commissioning data were taken in late November- early December 2012 and in late January-early Februrary 2013 and in late March 2013. The spectrum of an emission line star (Hip 022112), a mosaic of separate IFU pointings of Jupiter, images of the integral field data of several galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDFS) and some images from the mosaic of IFU pointings centred on Radcliffe 136 (R136) in 30 Doradus were among the data taken in the earlier commisssioning run. Images from these data appeared in Sharples, R. et al., 2012, The Messenger, 151, 21 . The raw data associated with these images and spectra are made available here together with the available calibration data. A further release of commissioning data from January and March 2013 in the COSMOS field is also available.
The scientific value of these data is limited since they were taken in the first commissioning period but demonstrate the capabilities of the instrument and provide users with an overview of the data format. A list of the frames is available in this list.
By clicking on the following links, one can download the data packages or select individual data sets for the Hip 022112, Jupiter, CDFS field, the R136 observations, the KMOS3DCOSMOS field and the associated calibration files:
- Hip 02112 package or
- Hip 02112 by file
- Jupiter package or
- Jupiter by file
- CDFS field package or
- CDFS field by file
- R136 package or
- R136 by file
- KMOS3D COSMOS field #1 package or
- KMOS3D COSMOS field #1 by file
- KMOS3D COSMOS field #2 package or
- KMOS3D COSMOS field #2 by file
- Calibration data package or
- Calibration data by file
If these data are used for publication, please acknowledge that the results are based on public data released from the KMOS commissioning observations at the VLT Antu (UT1) telescope.