On-line Tools
The main meeting software will be Microsoft Teams. We will send the Teams link for joining the workshop a few days prior to the start date, along with more detailed guidelines.
It is not necessary to have a Microsoft Teams account in order to participate. You only need a supported browser (Chrome, Brave, Microsoft Edge, but notably not Safari or Firefox) or the Teams app. If you wish to install the app, you can do it for free. It is available for Linux (not all operating systems though, RPM and Debian based packages are available), MacOS, Windows, iOS and Android.
Please make sure to follow the etiquette regarding muting, behavior norms, etc.
We will monitor the TEAMS channels during Q&A sessions, so you can post your questions there for the chair to ask on your behalf.
Since we're a big workshop, we would appreciate if you could add your full name to your Slack and Teams profiles, followed by one the following keyword in parenthesis if applicable:
(SOC) - Scientific Organizing Committee
(LOC) - Local Organizing Committee
(PRO) - Professional / Academic
(PD) - Postdoc
(ST) - Student
We will use Slack for Q&A and other forms of discussion & information. Please follow the usual etiquette. You will receive an invite to our Slack space as soon as we have created it. If you have not received it several days before the meeting, please check your spam folder before sending us an email so we can resend the invitation. The chat in Slack is persistent, i.e. messages remain there to be read also when you close the website/app. We recommend using the Slack standalone app rather than the web-based app, for a better (faster) interaction. If you have never used Slack before, we recommend reading the introduction to it.
Since we're a big workshop, we kindly ask you to add your full name to your Slack and Team profiles, followed by one the following keyword in parenthesis if applicable:
(SOC) - Scientific Organizing Committee
(LOC) - Local Organizing Committee
(PRO) - Professional / Academic
(PD) - Postdoc
(ST) - Student
We will use the hashtag #Surveys23 for the Conference. Please feel encouraged to use it and tweet about the meeting if and when you feel your finger twitching.
We have a dedicated Youtube channel to host all videos of this meeting, prerecorded and normal talks. Videos will be somewhat edited and uploaded to YouTube within 24h of the talks. However, there will be no livestreaming to YouTube.
Zenodo.org is a file hosting system that we will use to host posters and presentation slides of all presenters who have given us permission to do so. All these with receive a DOI and will hence be citable after the meeting. Zenodo will also directly link to the talks on YouTube where relevant. You can find more information about Zenodo here.
Zenodo: contact point Leslie Kiefer leslie.kiefer@eso.org