Unveiling the Origins of Brown Dwarfs:

Current Understanding, Open Questions, and Future Exploration

4-6 November 2024

ESO Vitacura, Santiago


Since their discovery in 1995, brown dwarfs (BDs) have been extensively studied both in star-forming regions and in the field. Despite their abundance, there is an unresolved debate about  the contribution of different  mechanisms to form these objects.  To shed light on their formation, it is essential to observe brown dwarfs at the earliest stages of their evolution, while they are still embedded in their parental clouds.

The efforts made over the last decades to understand the formation processes of BDs, both from observational and theoretical perspectives, have provided valuable insights. However, these efforts have been limited by the capabilities of current observational facilities.

With the advent of ALMA and JWST, and the upcoming next-generation telescopes like ELT, ngVLA, and SKA, we have a unique opportunity to deepen our understanding of this topic.

This mini-workshop aims to bring together the Chilean community and worldwide experts in the field to review and discuss the formation mechanisms of brown dwarfs, their evolution, and future prospects.

Format of this mini-workshop

This is a three-days meeting limited to approximately 30 on-site participants. Online connection will also be available for a limited number of registered participants outside Chile.

The program will consist of two daily sessions with a combination of invited and contributed talks, followed by a discussion session. Posters will also be accepted.

Contributions to this meeting will be published via Zenodo.

No registration fee is required. Lunches and coffee breaks will be provided by ESO, along with a modest wine-and-cheese social event at the ESO Vitacura premises.

The deadline to register is October 15th.

Workshop e-mail: origin-bd@eso.org