
Day 1 - Monday Jan. 20

Session 1: EDI, present and future in Astronomy

  chair: Maria Jose Rain
09:00-09:25 Registration and Welcome
09:25-09:50 Mamta Pommier (chair of IAU WG) ONLINE Title: Gender Disparities in Astronomy: Exploring the Leaky Pipeline Phenomenon and Areas Lacking Efforts
09:50-10:15 Annagrazia Puglisi (SOTON) IN PERSON Title: Building safe spaces for a community of diverse astronomers
10:15-10:35 Francesca Primas (ESO) ONLINE Title: Fostering equity, diversity and inclusion: an astronomical challenge?  
10:35-11:10 DISCUSSION
11:10-11:30 BREAK

SESSION 2: Stars for Everyone: How to Foster Inclusivity in Astronomy

  chair: Erika Labbé
11:30-11:55 Juan Magaña/Paulina Olivares (UCEN) IN PERSON Title: Astronomy in the spectrum: experiences, challenges and difficulties
11:55-12:20 Johanna Casado (UM)  ONLINE Title: Sonification for research: Making Astronomy Accessible to All
12:20-12:45 Camila Galdamez (PUC) IN PERSON Title: How to be more inclusive from a language perspective
12:45-13:10 Maria Fernanda Duran (AUI/NRAO) IN PERSON Title: Including Deaf people in astronomical outreach activities
13:10-14:00 LUNCH

SESSION 3: Cultural diversity and Inclusion

14:00-14:15 Yasmin Catricheo (AUI- EEUU) ONLINE Mapuche Cosmovision of the Universe and Cosmovision's of the Pacific
14:14-15:45 DISCUSSION    
15:45-16:00 BREAK

SESSION 4: Community engagement and outreach

16:00-16:15 Sebastian Ramirez-Alegria IN PERSON Title: Reviewing an old activity for older people
16:15-17:45 DISCUSSION
17:45 END
  Day 2 - Tuesday Jan. 21

Session 3: Mentorship and Support systems

  chair: Carolina Agurto
09:00-09:25 Paulina Bocaz (AUI/NRAO)  IN PERSON Title: The AUI/NRAO initiative PROVOCA
09:25-09:50 Claudio Melo (ESO) ONLINE Title: Building a Resilient Future: The Role of DEI in Advancing ESO’s Mission
09:50-10:15 Joseph Anderson (ESO) IN PERSON Title: Coordinating, supporting and mentoring science at ESO Chile
10:15-10:35 Michelle Lochner (Presidend of Supernovae Foundation) ONLINE Title: The Supernova Foundation: A mentoring and networking programme for women in physics
10:35-11:10 DISCUSSION
11:10-11:30 BREAK

Session 4: Promoting DEI through Policy and Practice

  chair: Sonia Duffau
11:30-11:55 Elena Manjavacas (ESA/AURA ONLINE Title: The Mentoring Program for Female Astronomers at the Spanish Society of Astronomy (SEA)
11:55-12:20 Valeska Galdames (ALMA) IN PERSON Title: Building Inclusion from Within: ALMA’s Journey
12:20-12:45 Alysha Shugart (LSST) IN PERSON  Title: Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility in NOIRLab-Chile
12:45-13:10 Felipe Salinas (ALMA) IN PERSON Title: Recruitment process and STEM diversity data insights
13:10-14:00 LUNCH

Discussion: Strategies for Retaining and Recruiting Diverse Talent

15:30-16:00 BREAK

Discussion: The Impact of Codes of Conduct: How effective they are?

17:45 END