Invited Speakers

Invited confirmed speakers and discussion panel members:

Alina Boecker (University of Vienna)

Michele Cirasuolo (ESO)

Natascha Foerster Schreiber (MPE)

Filippo Fraternali (Kapteyn Astronomical Institute)

Michaela Hirschmann (EPFL)

Andrew Hopkins (Macquarie University)

Pavel Jachym (Czech Academy of Sciences)

Vincenzo Mainieri (ESO)

Ignacio Martin-Navarro (IAC)

Michal Zajacek (Masaryk University)

Francesca Primas (ESO)

Allison Strom (Northwestern University)

Zhiqiang Yan (Nanjing University)

In addition to our distinguished lineup of invited speakers, the GALCROSS workshop has reserved several featured presentation slots. These slots aim to showcase excellent science conducted by researchers from underrepresented or less privileged backgrounds. Selections will be made by the Scientific Organising Committee based on the merit of submitted abstracts. We encourage participants from diverse environments to apply.


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