Large Programmes and Public Spectroscopic Surveys scheduled in Period 97
This list of OPC approved Programmes is updated every observing period. The abstracts of the proposals can be retrieved from a separate document.
188.C-0265 |
Melendez, Asplund, Bean, Baumann, Alves-Brito, Dreizler, Monroe, Ramírez, Casagrande, Lind: 'Planets around solar twins: tracing planet formation using highly accurate abundance determinations' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
Q |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
Q |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
191.D-0255 |
Morel, Langer, Hubrig, Fossati, Castro, Sana, Dufton, Herrero, de Koter, Maiz Apellaniz, Oskinova, Reisenegger, Simon-Diaz, Arlt, Barba, Briquet, Hamann, Ilyin, Kharchenko, Kholtygin, Mathys, Nieva, Piskunov, Przybilla, Schöller, Scholz, Spruit, Yoon: 'Magnetic fields in OB stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
K |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
191.C-0873 |
Bonfils, Astudillo, Bouchy, Delfosse, Forveille, Gillon, Lovis, Mayor, Perrier, Pepe, Rojo, Santos, Udry: 'Search for Planets Around M Dwarfs : The Shortcut to Happiness' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
P |
HARPS | 9.0 n |
P |
HARPS | 1.8 n |
Q |
HARPS | 11.7 n |
R |
HARPS | 0.5 n |
R |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
R |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
191.D-0935 |
Smartt, Benetti, Cappellaro, Zampieri, Botticella, Sullivan, Hook, Maguire, Turatto, Bufano, Inserra, Hillebrandt, Taubenberger, Mazzali, Kotak, Pastorello, Valenti, Fraser, McCrum, Smith, Mattila, Sollerman, Fransson, Ergon, Jerkstrand, Kankare, Lundqvist, Goobar, Stritzinger, Amanullah, Nordin, Patat, Pain, Regnault, Le Guillou, Dennefeld, Marquette, Elias-Rosa, Isern, Stanishev, Kowalski, Langer, Eldridge, Gal-Yam, Schmidt, Scalzo, Sim, Yuan, Baltay, Danziger, Greggio, Pumo, Limongi, Maund, Rest, Huber, Stubbs, Della Valle, Dall'Ora, Blondin, Hamuy, Pignata, Ostman, Harutyunyan, Clocchiatti: 'A public spectroscopic survey of the Transient Universe' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
W |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
W |
SOFI | 7.0 n |
X |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
X |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
X |
EFOSC2 | 4.0 n |
Y |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
Y |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
Y |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
192.C-0224 |
Lagrange, Chauvin, Borgniet, Mordasini, Aigrain, Beust, Desidera, Sterzik, Gratton, Bonavita, Meunier, Messina, Worters, Lo Curto: 'A Harps legacy survey to understand the formation and early phasis of dynamical evolution of giant planets.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
F |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
F |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
192.A-0762 |
Aghanim, Arnaud, Aussel, Beelen, Boehringer, Burenin, Carvalho, Chon, Dahle, Dole, Douspis, Flores-Cacho, Harrison, Hudelot, Hurier, Kneissl, McCraken, Mazzotta, Melin, Mellier, Pointecouteau, Pratt, Rebolo, Rubino-Martin, Sunyaev, White: 'A Planck/ESO legacy sample of the most massive clusters' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
M |
EFOSC2 | 1.0 n |
193.B-0936 |
Gilmore, RANDICH, Asplund, Binney, Bonifacio, Drew, Feltzing, Ferguson, Jeffries, Micela, Negueruela, Prusti, Rix, Vallenari, Aden, Affer, Alcala, Alfaro, Allende Prieto, Altavilla, Alves, Antoja, Arenou, Argiroffi, Asensio Ramos, Babusiaux, Bailer-Jones, Balaguer-Nunez, Barbuy, Barisevicius, Barrado y Navascues, Battistini, Bellas-Velidis, Bellazzini, Belokurov, Bensby, Bergemann, Bertelli, Biazzo, Bienayme, Bland-Hawthorn, Blomme, Boeche, Bonito, Boudreault, Bouvier, Bragaglia, Brandao, Brown, de Brujine, Burleigh, Caballero, Caffau, Calura, Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Caramazza, Carraro, Casagrande, Casewell, Chapman, Chiappini, Chorniy, Christlieb, Cignoni, Cocozza, Colless, Collet, Collins, Correnti, Covino, Crnojevic, Cropper, Cunha, Damiani, David, Delgado, Duffau, Van Eck, Edvardsson, Enke, Eriksson, Evans, Eyer, Famaey, Fellhauer, Ferreras, Figueras, Fiorentino, Flaccomio, Flynn, Folha, Franciosini, Francois, Frasca, Freeman, Fremat, Friel, Gaensicke, Gameiro, Garzon, Geier, Geisler, Gibson, Gieles, Gomboc, Gomez, Gonzalez-Fernandez, Gonzalez Hernandez, Grebel, Greimel, Groenewegen, Grundahl, Guarcello, Gustafsson, Hadrava, Hadzidimitriou, Hambly, Hammersley, Hansen, Haywood, Heber, Heiter, Held, Helmi, Hensler, Herrero, Hill, Hodgkin, Huelamo, Huxor, Ibata, Irwin, Jackson, de Jong, Jonker, Jordan, Jordi, Jorissen, Katz, Kawata, Keller, Kharchenko, Klement, Klutsch, Knude, Koch, Kochukhov, Kontizas, Koposov, Korn, Koubsky, Lanzafame, Lallement, de Laverny, van Leeuwen, Lemasle, Lewis, Lind, Lindstrom, Lopez Santiago, Lucas, Ludwig, Lueftinger, Maiz Apellaniz, Magrini, Maldonado, Marconi, Matijevic, McMahon, Meyer, Messina, Miglio, Mikolaitis, Minchev, Minniti, Moitinho, Molawi, Momany, Monaco, Monier, Montalto, Monteiro, Montes, Mora, Moraux, Morel, Morino, Mowlavi, Mucciarelli, Munari, Napiwotzki, Nardetto, Naylor, Nelemans, Okamoto, Ortolani, Pace, Palla, Palous, Pancino, Parker, Pasquini, Paunzen, Penarrubia, Pillitteri, Piotto, Posbic, Prisinzano, Puzeras, Quirrenbach, Ragaini, Read, Recio-Blanco, Reyle, Robichon, Robin, Roeser, Romano, Royer, Ruchti, Ruzicka, Ryan, Ryde, Sacco, Santos, Sanz Forcada, Sarro Baro, Sbordone, Schilbach, Schmeja, Schnurr, Schoenrich, Scholz, Seabroke, Sharma, De Silva, Smiljanic, Smith, Solano, Sordo, Soubiran, Sousa, Spagna, Steffen, Steinmetz, Stelzer, Stempels, Tabernero, Tautvaisiene, Thevenin, Torra, Tosi, Tolstoy, Turon, Walker, Walton, Wambsganss, Worley, Venn, Vink, Wyse, Zaggia, Zeilinger, Zoccali, Zorec, Zucker, Zwitter: 'The Gaia-ESO Survey' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
U |
FLAMES | 6.0 n |
V |
FLAMES | 6.0 n |
W |
FLAMES | 6.0 n |
X |
FLAMES | 6.0 n |
Y |
FLAMES | 6.0 n |
194.C-0207 |
Lacerda, Lockhart, Lorek, Kokotanekova, Peixinho, Thirouin, Carry, Davidsson, Fornasier, Snodgrass, Wyatt, Hainaut: 'A Magnitude Limited Survey of the Rotational Properties of Kuiper Belt Objects' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
G |
EFOSC2 | 6.0 n |
H |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
H |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
194.C-0443 |
Crossfield, Schlieder, Lepine, Henning, Deacon, Mordasini, Kaltenegger, Howard, Hogg, Barman, Foreman-Mackey, Petigura: 'Rocky and Habitable Planets With Kepler's “K2” Extended Mission' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
EFOSC2 | 11.0 n |
F |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
F |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
F |
SOFI | 5.0 n |
194.C-0833 |
Cox, Cami, Sarre, Spaans, Lallement, Kaper, Joblin, Linnartz, Royer, Smith, Mulas, Berne, Smoker, de Koter, Foing, Ehrenfreund, Evans, Marshall, Monreal-Ibero, Puspitarini, Lepetit, Roueff, Bron, Salama, van Loon, Cordiner, Bhatt: 'ESO Diffuse Interstellar Bands Large Exploration Survey (EDIBLES)' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
G |
UVES | 23.3 h |
H |
UVES | 48.3 h |
195.B-0283 |
Schoedel, Neumayer, Nogueras, Gallego, Gallego, Dong, Najarro, Feldmeier, Nishiyama, Girard: 'The fingerprint of a galactic nucleus: a 0.2"-resolution JHK imaging survey of the centre of the Milky Way' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
C |
HAWKI | 3.0 n |
C |
HAWKI | 3.0 n |
196.C-0042 |
Santos, Faria, Mortier, Adibekyan, Boisse, Delgado-Mena, Figueira, Dumusque, Lo Curto, Lovis, Mayor, Melo, Montalto, Oshagh, Queloz, Pepe, Rojas-Ayala, Santerne, Sozzetti, Sousa, Udry: 'The deepest search for hot Neptunes around a sample of metal-poor stars: a fundamental test for planet formation models' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
D |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
196.D-0214 |
Schaffenroth, Geier, Barlow, Vuckovic, Kupfer, Drechsel, Heber, Kimeswenger, Kilkenny, Marsh, Gaensicke, Koen, Schindewolf, Latour, Nemeth: 'The EREBOS project - Studying the influence of substellar objects on late stellar evolution' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
FORS2 | 38.1 h |
196.A-0377 |
Mainieri, Fiore, Marconi, Balmaverde, Bongiorno, Brusa, Carniani, Civano, Comastri, Cresci, Feruglio, Georgakakis, Husemann, Kakkad, Lamastra, Lanzuisi, Liu, Mannucci, Menci, Menzel, Merloni, Netzer, Padovani, Perna, Piconcelli, Popesso, Salvato, Schramm, Schulze, Silverman, Vietri, Vignali, Zamorani, Zappacosta: 'SUPER: a {\scriptsize SINFONI} S}urvey for {U}nveiling the {P}hysics and the {E}ffect of {Radiative feedback.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
SINFONI | 46.0 h |
196.B-0578 |
Poggianti, Moretti, Jaffe', Sheen, Bettoni, Fasano, Gullieuszik, Vulcani, Couch, Owers, Paccagnella, Fritz, Cava, D'Onofrio, Omizzolo: 'Dissecting GAs Stripping Phenomena in galaxies with MUSE (GASP)' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
MUSE | 30.0 h |
196.A-0778 |
Fontana, Pentericci, Bradac, Jones, Dijkstra, Mason, Schmidt, Gavazzi, Rosati, Grillo, von der Linden, Balestra, Grazian, Amorin, Treu: 'The formation and evolution of galaxies from cosmic dawn to high-noon under a magnifying GLASS' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
D |
KMOS | 20.0 h |
E |
KMOS | 20.0 h |
196.C-1006 |
Udry, Ségransan, Lovis, Pepe, Alonso, Benz, Bouchy, Collier Cameron, Deleuil, Figueira, Gillon, Lo Curto, Mayor, Mordasini, Motalebi, Moutou, Pollacco, Pompei, Queloz, Santos, Wyttenbach: 'A complete census with HARPS of the planetary population around the closest non-active solar-type stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 0.5 n |
A |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 1.5 n |
B |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
B |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
B |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
B |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
C |
HARPS | 5.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
E |
HARPS | 5.0 n |
197.A-0384 |
Fumagalli, Arrigoni Battaia, Bielby, Christensen, Crighton, Fynbo, Hennawi, Mackenzie, Moller, Murphy, O'Meara, Prochaska, Shanks, Swinbank, Theuns: 'A MUSE survey of the dense halo gas in z ~ 3 galaxies near optically-thick absorbers' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
MUSE | 29.0 h |
197.A-0717 |
Cirasuolo, Maiolino, Pettini, Cresci, Mannucci, Marconi, Meneghetti, Troncoso, Williams, Ivison, Dunlop, Cappellari, McLure, Swinbank, Cullen, Turner, Bothwell, Balestra, Rosati, Nagao, Peng, Ota, Lilly, Cicone, Belfiore, Grillo: 'A KMOS Survey to Grasp the Essential Astrophysics of High Redshift Galaxies.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
KMOS | 46.0 h |
197.C-0816 |
Lowry, Fitzsimmons, Green, Makiela, Rozitis, Snodgrass, Zegmott: 'Direct Detection of the Asteroidal YORP Effect: Recovery of VISIR Programme' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
VISIR | 0.5 n |
B |
VISIR | 0.5 n |
C |
VISIR | 0.5 n |
D |
VISIR | 0.6 n |
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