Large Programmes scheduled in Period 92
This list of OPC approved Large Programmes (LPs) is updated every observing period. The abstracts of the proposals can be retrieved from a separate document.
185.A-0791 |
Le Fevre, Bardelli, Capak, Cassata, Cimatti, Contini, Cuby, Cucciati, de Ravel, de la Torre, Garilli, Giavalisco, Grazian, Ilbert, Kneib, Le Brun, Lilly, Maccagni, Mellier, Meneux, Mignoli, Paltani, Salvato, Schaerer, Scodeggio, Scoville, Taniguchi, Tasca, Tresse, Zamorani, Zucca: 'Probing the formation and evolution of galaxies from a spectroscopic survey of 12,000 galaxies with 2.5 <= z <= 6.7' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
T |
VIMOS | 20.0 h |
185.C-1033 |
Lowry, Duddy, Fitzsimmons, Green, Hicks, Laird, Rozitis, Snodgrass, Weissman, Wolters: 'Direct Detections of the Asteroidal YORP Effect' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
V |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
W |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
X |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
188.C-0265 |
Melendez, Asplund, Bean, Baumann, Alves-Brito, Dreizler, Monroe, Ramírez, Casagrande, Lind: 'Planets around solar twins: tracing planet formation using highly accurate abundance determinations' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
I |
HARPS | 7.0 n |
J |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
189.D-0165 |
Caffau, Bonifacio, Fran\c cois, Spite, Spite, Ludwig, Steffen, Christlieb, Koch, Cayrel, Sbordone, Monaco, Zaggia, Plez, Klessen, Glover, Clark: 'Search for the “critical metallicity” for low mass star formation' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
XSHOOTER | 20.0 h |
F |
UVES | 15.0 h |
189.B-0925 |
Trager, Peletier, Lan\c con, Prugniel, Vazdekis, Chen, Gonneau, Meneses-Goytia, Koleva, Cenarro, Falcón-Barroso, Mármol-Queraltó, Sánchez-Blázquez, Silva, Walcher: 'XSL: The X-Shooter Spectral Library' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
D |
XSHOOTER | 27.0 h |
190.C-0027 |
Santos, Melo, Sousa, Dumusque, Figueira, Gomes da Silva, Sozzetti, Mortier, Udry, Mayor, Queloz, Pepe, Lovis, Boisse, Benamati, Lo Curto: 'Completing a deep search for hot neptunes around a sample of moderately metal-poor stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
C |
HARPS | 13.0 n |
190.D-0237 |
Gieren, Pietrzynski, Storm, Nardetto, Bono, Fouqué, Kudritzki, Bresolin, Graczyk, Pilecki, Gallenne, Udalski, Soszynski, Thompson: 'Measuring the effect of metallicity on Cepheid absolute magnitudes: Towards a high-precision determination of the Hubble constant based on classical Cepheids' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
E |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
190.A-0685 |
pentericci, Vanzella, Fontana, Castellano, Dunlop, Giavalisco, Grazian, Dickinson, Bradac, Maiolino, Giallongo, Cristiani, Caputi, Conselice, Dahlen, Dekel, Fazio, Finkelstein, Galametz, Grogin, Hathi, Koekemoer, McLure, Mobasher, Scarlata, Santini, Tilvi, Treu, Yan: 'Looking for the CANDELS that reionized the Universe' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
FORS2 | 15.0 h |
F |
FORS2 | 25.0 h |
191.D-0255 |
Morel, Langer, Hubrig, Fossati, Castro, Sana, Dufton, Herrero, de Koter, Maiz Apellaniz, Oskinova, Reisenegger, Simon-Diaz, Arlt, Barba, Briquet, Hamann, Ilyin, Kharchenko, Kholtygin, Mathys, Nieva, Piskunov, Przybilla, Schöller, Scholz, Spruit, Yoon: 'Magnetic fields in OB stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
C |
FORS2 | 2.5 n |
D |
HARPS | 6.0 n |
191.A-0268 |
Adami, Pierre, Guennou, Birkinshaw, Bremer, Clerc, Devriendt, Elyiv, Evrard, Gastaldello, Goobar, Iovino, Lidman, Mantz, Maughan, Maurogordato, McCarthy, Menanteau, Melnyk, Pacaud, Plionis, Poggianti, Pompei, Ponman, Spergel, Surdej, Willis: 'Full spectroscopic coverage of the z<= 1 XXL bright clusters' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
C |
FORS2 | 1.7 h |
D |
FORS2 | 32.0 h |
J |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
191.C-0505 |
Anglada-escude, Amado, Reiners, Dreizler, Gerlach, Jeffers, Jenskins, Modroño, Morin, Rodriguez-López, Ofir, Seeman, Zechmeister: 'Cool tiny beats : Small planets, activity and pulsation in M dwarfs' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
B |
HARPS | 6.0 n |
191.A-0748 |
Ivison, Weiss, Bremer, Omont, Ibar, Cox, Van der Werf, Dannerbauer, Eales, Dunne, Maddox, Bertoldi, Valiante, Swinbank, Negrello, Stanway, Davies, Husband, Lehnert, Knudsen, Verma, Perez-Fournon, Clements, Serjeant, White, Oliver, Chapman, Coppin, Van Kampen, De Zotti, Dunlop, Michalowski, Riechers, Cooray, Harris, Baker, Leeuw, Temi, Bussmann, Herranz, Gonzalez-Nuevo, Rodighiero, Amblard, Hopwood, Vaccari, Lapi, Massardi: 'Imaging the environments signposted by ultra-red Herschel SMGs: a strong test of structure- and galaxy-formation models' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
LABOCA | 46.0 h |
191.C-0873 |
Bonfils, Astudillo, Bouchy, Delfosse, Forveille, Gillon, Lovis, Mayor, Perrier, Pepe, Rojo, Santos, Udry: 'Search for Planets Around M Dwarfs : The Shortcut to Happiness' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
C |
HARPS | 12.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 12.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
191.D-0935 |
Smartt, Benetti, Cappellaro, Zampieri, Botticella, Sullivan, Hook, Maguire, Turatto, Bufano, Inserra, Hillebrandt, Taubenberger, Mazzali, Kotak, Pastorello, Valenti, Fraser, McCrum, Smith, Mattila, Sollerman, Fransson, Ergon, Jerkstrand, Kankare, Lundqvist, Goobar, Stritzinger, Amanullah, Nordin, Patat, Pain, Regnault, Le Guillou, Dennefeld, Marquette, Elias-Rosa, Isern, Stanishev, Kowalski, Langer, Eldridge, Gal-Yam, Schmidt, Scalzo, Sim, Yuan, Baltay, Danziger, Greggio, Pumo, Limongi, Maund, Rest, Huber, Stubbs, Della Valle, Dall'Ora, Blondin, Hamuy, Pignata, Ostman, Harutyunyan, Clocchiatti: 'A public spectroscopic survey of the Transient Universe' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
A |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
A |
EFOSC2 | 4.0 n |
B |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
B |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
B |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
192.C-0224 |
Lagrange, Chauvin, Borgniet, Mordasini, Aigrain, Beust, Desidera, Sterzik, Gratton, Bonavita, Meunier, Messina, Worters, Lo Curto: 'A Harps legacy survey to understand the formation and early phasis of dynamical evolution of giant planets.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
192.D-0270 |
Parsons, Marsh, Gaensicke, Schreiber, Bours, Copperwheat, Dhillon, Littlefair, Rebassa-Mansergas, Schwope, Vuckovic, Zorotovic: 'Precise masses and radii from eclipsing white dwarf / low-mass M dwarf binary stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
XSHOOTER | 2.5 n |
B |
XSHOOTER | 3.5 n |
192.A-0359 |
Wagg, Aravena, De~Breuck, Cicone, Bothwell, Maiolino, Martin, Espada, Carilli, Walter, Riechers, Impellizzeri, Aalto, Hodge, Moeller, Lentati: 'ALLSMOG: an APEX Low-redshift Legacy Survey of MOlecular Gas' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
SHFI | 75.0 h |
192.C-0653 |
van Kempen, Muller, Minamidani, de Breuck, Kawamura, Takekoshi, Israel: 'COSSA : CO Survey of the SMC with APEX' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
SHFI | 35.0 h |
192.A-0762 |
Aghanim, Arnaud, Aussel, Beelen, Boehringer, Burenin, Carvalho, Chon, Dahle, Dole, Douspis, Flores-Cacho, Harrison, Hudelot, Hurier, Kneissl, McCraken, Mazzotta, Melin, Mellier, Pointecouteau, Pratt, Rebolo, Rubino-Martin, Sunyaev, White: 'A Planck/ESO legacy sample of the most massive clusters' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
FORS2 | 2.5 h |
B |
FORS2 | 13.5 h |
C |
EFOSC2 | 5.0 n |
D |
EFOSC2 | 5.0 n |
192.C-0852 |
Udry, Ségransan, Lovis, Pepe, Alonso, Benz, Bouchy, Collier Cameron, Deleuil, Figueira, Gillon, Lo Curto, Mayor, Mordasini, Motalebi, Moutou, Pollacco, Pompei, Queloz, Santos, Wyttenbach: 'A complete census with HARPS of the planetary population around the closest non-active solar-type stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
B |
HARPS | 5.0 n |
C |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
D |
HARPS | 6.0 n |
E |
HARPS | 6.0 n |