Large Programmes scheduled in Period 90
This list of OPC approved Large Programmes (LPs) is updated every observing period.
Shanks, Baugh, Bridle, Boyle, Busarello, Capaccioli, Colless, Croom, Cruz da Angela, Drinkwater, Edge, Emerson, Evans, Frenk, Hambly, Hodgkin, Irwin, Lahav, Loaring, Maddox, McMahon, Metcalfe, Morris, Nichol, Peacock, Pimbblet: 'The VST ATLAS' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
OMEGACAM | 24.0 h |
Kuijken, Bender, Boehringer, Capaccioli, Erben, Hopp, Mellier, Neeser, Peacock, Radovich, Saglia, Schneider, Schuecker, Seitz, Silvotti, Sutherland, Taylor, Valentijn, Warren: 'KIDS: A 1500-square degree cosmological survey with VST/OmegaCAM: u'and r' filters' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
OMEGACAM | 90.0 h |
Drew, Walton, Irwin, Greimel, Eisloeffel, Knigge, Walsh, Acker, Augusteijn, Barlow, Cioni, Gaensicke, Groot, Heber, Magrini, Mampaso, Mardones, Napiwotzki, Naylor, Nelemans, Parker, Phillipps, Prusti, Steeghs, Woudt, Zijlstra: 'The VST photometric Ha and broad-band survey of the\ Southern Galactic Plane (VPHAS+)' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
D |
OMEGACAM | 64.0 h |
Minniti, Lucas, Emerson, Collaboration: 'VISTA VARIABLES IN THE VIA LACTEA (VVV)' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
VIRCAM | 152.0 h |
Cioni, Bekki, Clementini, de Blok, Evans, de Grijs, Gibson, Girardi, Groenewegen, Ivanov, Leisy, Marconi, Mastropietro, Moore, Naylor, Oliveira, Ripepi, van Loon, Wilkinson, Wood: 'The VISTA near-infrared YJKs survey of the Magellanic System (LMC, SMC, Bridge \& Stream) - VMC' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
H |
VIRCAM | 152.0 h |
Dunlop, Afonso, Almaini, Arnouts, Bell, Bergeron, Best, Bolzonella, Bremer, Brusa, Bunker, Cirasuolo, Cimatti, Conselice, Contini, Coppin, Cuby, Dalton, Doherty, van Dokkum, Eales, Emerson, Foucaud, Freudling, Guzzo, Hambly, Hasinger, Hjorth, Ilbert, Irwin, Ivison, Jarvis, Koekemoer, Kneib, Kurk, Labbe, Lacey, Lawrence, Leibundgut, Lilly, Maddox, Mainieri, McCraken, McLure, Mellier, Moller, Nilsson, Olsen, Omont, Orsi, Pedersen, Peacock, Page, Rawlings, Renzini, Rix, Rosati, Roettgering, Schinnerer, Scodeggio, Serjeant, Shanks, Simpson, Smail, Somerville, Sutherland, Taniguchi, Tasca, Tresse, Valentijn, Walton, Williams, van der Werf, Zamorani: 'Ultra-VISTA: an Ultra Deep Survey with VISTA' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
H |
VIRCAM | 120.0 h |
Jarvis, Almaini, Bell, Bremer, Brinchmann, Caputi, Cimatti, Cirasuolo, Clewley, Simpson, Collins, Cotter, Oliver, Dalton, Dunlop, Edge, Emerson, Gonzalez-Solares, McLure, Meisenheimer, Rawlings, Smail, Sutherland, Franx, Le Fevre, Hodgkin, Ivison, Foerster-Schreiber, Jones, Kay, Kneib, Lehnert, Loveday, Lutz, Mann, Nichol, McHardy, McMahon, Moles, Croom, Peacock, Percival, Readhead, Rix, Romer, Rosati, Roettgering, Serjeant, Sharp, Clowes, Baugh, Venemans, Verma, Villar-Martin, Waddington, Walter, Walton, Wolf: 'VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) Survey' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
G |
VIRCAM | 50.0 h |
McMahon, Lawrence, Castander, Abdalla, Alexander, Alfonso, Bailer-Jones, Balcells, Barcons, Barrado y Navascues, Belikov, Bell, Benitez, Bouvier, Bremer, Bridle, Cairos, Carrera, Caux, Cioni, Collister, Crittenden, Dalton, Davies, Doel, Doherty, Driver, Edge, Edmundson, Emerson, Espinosa, Ferguson, Fernandez, Fosalba, Garcia, Garcia-Bellido, Garzon, Gaztanaga, Goldman, Gilmore, Gonzales, Hambly, Hererro, Hewett, Hodgkin, Ibata, Infante, Irwin, James, Jameson, Jarvis, Jones, Jones, Kendall, Kroupa, Kumar, Lagache, Lahav, Lalli, Liddle, Lodieu, Loveday, Lucas, Maartens, Manchado, Mann, Martin, Martin, Martinez, Maza, Miquel, Miralda-Escude, Moles, Molla, Monin, Moraux, Munoz-Tunon, Naylor, Nichol, O'Brien, Oliver, Omont, Page, Palla, Peacock, Percival, Perez-Fournon, Peroux, Petitjean, Phillips, Pinfield, Puget, Randich, Rawlings, Rebelo, Riello, Rix, Romer, Roettgering, Rowan-Robinson, Sanchez, Savage, Scholz, Serjeant, Shanks, Somerville, Smith, Sutherland, Swope, Tanvir, Testi, Venemans, Viana, Walter, Walton, Warren, Watson, Webb, Weller, Wolf, Zinnecker, Zucker: 'The VISTA Hemisphere Survey(VHS)' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
G |
VIRCAM | 311.0 h |
Bonfils, Delfosse, Forveille, Gillon, Mayor, Perrier, Santos, Udry: 'Planets Around M Dwarfs: The Shortcut to Happiness' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
O |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
O |
HARPS | 6.0 n |
P |
HARPS | 10.0 n |
Udry, Lovis, Mayor, Pepe, Queloz, Benz, Bouchy, Lo Curto, Santos, Ségransan: 'A census of the super-Earth and Neptune-mass planet population around solar-type stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
H |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 5.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 5.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 6.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 7.0 n |
H |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
Hainaut, Boehnhardt, Protopapa, Buie, Hsieh, Kleyna, Licandro, Lowry, Meech, Mueller, Snodgrass, Tozzi, Carraro: 'Main Belt Comets - a new class of minor bodies' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
G |
EFOSC2 | 4.0 n |
Poretti, Baglin, Catala, Michel, Rainer, Uytterhoeven, Aerts, Amado, Briquet, Carrier, Creevey, De Cat, Desmet, Floquet, Frémat, Garrido, Gutierrez-Soto, Hareter, Huat, Hubert, Mantegazza, Martin-Ruiz, Mathias, Moya, Neiner, Papics, Semaan, Suarez, Zima: 'Extending the ground-based observations of CoRoT asteroseismic targets' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
F |
HARPS | 10.0 n |
L |
HARPS | 5.0 n |
Le Fevre, Bardelli, Capak, Cassata, Cimatti, Contini, Cuby, Cucciati, de Ravel, de la Torre, Garilli, Giavalisco, Grazian, Ilbert, Kneib, Le Brun, Lilly, Maccagni, Mellier, Meneux, Mignoli, Paltani, Salvato, Schaerer, Scodeggio, Scoville, Taniguchi, Tasca, Tresse, Zamorani, Zucca: 'Probing the formation and evolution of galaxies from a spectroscopic survey of 12,000 galaxies with 2.5 <= z <= 6.7' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
S |
VIMOS | 120.0 h |
Lowry, Duddy, Fitzsimmons, Green, Hicks, Laird, Rozitis, Snodgrass, Weissman, Wolters: 'Direct Detections of the Asteroidal YORP Effect' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
P |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
Q |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
R |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
Smart, Tinney, Andrei, Burningham, Jones, Leggett, Pinfield, Bucciarelli, Costa, Crosta, Day-Jones, Goldman, Lattanzi, Lucas, Mendez, Marocco, Penna, Qi, Vecchiato, Yu: 'NPARSEC: NTT PARallaxes of Southern Extremely Cool objects' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
Q |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
Q |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
R |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
R |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
S |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
S |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
T |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
T |
SOFI | 2.0 n |
Boone, Schaerer, Smail, Lutz, Weiss, Menten, Nordon, Pello, Combes, Egami, Kneib, Beelen, Blain, Dessauges, Ivison, Omont, Perez-Gonzalez, Richard, Altieri, Knudsen: 'The LABOCA Lensing Survey' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
D |
LABOCA | 30.0 h |
Hennawi, Walter, Jahnke, Rix, Meisenheimer, Wisotzki, Maiolino, DeCarli, Rubin, Crighton, Inskip, Yang, Tsalmantza, Maier, DeRosa, DallÁglio, Prochaska, Ellison, Worseck, Richards, Hall, Boroson: 'A SOFI Legacy Survey of Bright Quasars in the UVES Archive: Towards \sim 100 near-IR Spectra' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
F |
SOFI | 2.5 n |
G |
EFOSC2 | 2.5 n |
Alecian, Neiner, Wade, Grunhut, Aurière, Bagnulo, de Batz, Böhm, Bouret, Braithwaite, Catala, Folsom, Fourtune-Ravard, Henrichs, Kochukhov, Landstreet, Lignières, Marcolino, Martins, Mathis, Montmerle, Oksala, Owocki, Petit, Silvester: 'Magnetism in Massive Stars: the MiMeS project' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
D |
HARPS | 8.0 n |
Melendez, Asplund, Bean, Baumann, Alves-Brito, Dreizler, Monroe, Ramírez, Casagrande, Lind: 'Planets around solar twins: tracing planet formation using highly accurate abundance determinations' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
HARPS | 7.0 n |
F |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
Bouchy, Alonso, Bonomo, Deleuil, Diaz, Fridlund, Guenther, Guillot, Hatzes, Hébrard, Queloz, Lovis, Moutou, Santerne: 'Characterization of \textit{CoRoT} transiting exoplanets' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
E |
HARPS | 7.0 n |
F |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
F |
HARPS | 4.0 n |
Gilmore, RANDICH, Asplund, Binney, Bonifacio, Drew, Feltzing, Ferguson, Jeffries, Micela, Negueruela, Prusti, Rix, Vallenari, Aden, Affer, Alcala, Alfaro, Allende Prieto, Altavilla, Alves, Antoja, Arenou, Argiroffi, Asensio Ramos, Babusiaux, Bailer-Jones, Balaguer-Nunez, Barbuy, Barisevicius, Barrado y Navascues, Battistini, Bellas-Velidis, Bellazzini, Belokurov, Bensby, Bergemann, Bertelli, Biazzo, Bienayme, Bland-Hawthorn, Blomme, Boeche, Bonito, Boudreault, Bouvier, Bragaglia, Brandao, Brown, de Brujine, Burleigh, Caballero, Caffau, Calura, Capuzzo-Dolcetta, Caramazza, Carraro, Casagrande, Casewell, Chapman, Chiappini, Chorniy, Christlieb, Cignoni, Cocozza, Colless, Collet, Collins, Correnti, Covino, Crnojevic, Cropper, Cunha, Damiani, David, Delgado, Duffau, Van Eck, Edvardsson, Enke, Eriksson, Evans, Eyer, Famaey, Fellhauer, Ferreras, Figueras, Fiorentino, Flaccomio, Flynn, Folha, Franciosini, Francois, Frasca, Freeman, Fremat, Friel, Gaensicke, Gameiro, Garzon, Geier, Geisler, Gibson, Gieles, Gomboc, Gomez, Gonzalez-Fernandez, Gonzalez Hernandez, Grebel, Greimel, Groenewegen, Grundahl, Guarcello, Gustafsson, Hadrava, Hadzidimitriou, Hambly, Hammersley, Hansen, Haywood, Heber, Heiter, Held, Helmi, Hensler, Herrero, Hill, Hodgkin, Huelamo, Huxor, Ibata, Irwin, Jackson, de Jong, Jonker, Jordan, Jordi, Jorissen, Katz, Kawata, Keller, Kharchenko, Klement, Klutsch, Knude, Koch, Kochukhov, Kontizas, Koposov, Korn, Koubsky, Lanzafame, Lallement, de Laverny, van Leeuwen, Lemasle, Lewis, Lind, Lindstrom, Lopez Santiago, Lucas, Ludwig, Lueftinger, Maiz Apellaniz, Magrini, Maldonado, Marconi, Matijevic, McMahon, Meyer, Messina, Miglio, Mikolaitis, Minchev, Minniti, Moitinho, Molawi, Momany, Monaco, Monier, Montalto, Monteiro, Montes, Mora, Moraux, Morel, Morino, Mowlavi, Mucciarelli, Munari, Napiwotzki, Nardetto, Naylor, Nelemans, Okamoto, Ortolani, Pace, Palla, Palous, Pancino, Parker, Pasquini, Paunzen, Penarrubia, Pillitteri, Piotto, Posbic, Prisinzano, Puzeras, Quirrenbach, Ragaini, Read, Recio-Blanco, Reyle, Robichon, Robin, Roeser, Romano, Royer, Ruchti, Ruzicka, Ryan, Ryde, Sacco, Santos, Sanz Forcada, Sarro Baro, Sbordone, Schilbach, Schmeja, Schnurr, Schoenrich, Scholz, Seabroke, Sharma, De Silva, Smiljanic, Smith, Solano, Sordo, Soubiran, Sousa, Spagna, Steffen, Steinmetz, Stelzer, Stempels, Tabernero, Tautvaisiene, Thevenin, Torra, Tosi, Tolstoy, Turon, Walker, Walton, Wambsganss, Worley, Venn, Vink, Wyse, Zaggia, Zeilinger, Zoccali, Zorec, Zucker, Zwitter: 'The Gaia-ESO Survey' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
J |
FLAMES | 5.0 n |
K |
FLAMES | 5.0 n |
L |
FLAMES | 5.0 n |
M |
FLAMES | 2.0 n |
M |
FLAMES | 3.0 n |
N |
FLAMES | 2.0 n |
N |
FLAMES | 3.0 n |
O |
FLAMES | 5.0 n |
Smartt, Benetti, Cappellaro, Zampieri, Botticella, Sullivan, Hook, Maguire, Turatto, Bufano, Inserra, Hillebrandt, Taubenberger, Mazzali, Kotak, Pastorello, Valenti, Fraser, McCrum, Smith, Mattila, Sollerman, Fransson, Ergon, Jerkstrand, Kankare, Lundqvist, Goobar, Stritzinger, Amanullah, Nordin, Patat, Pain, Regnault, Le Guillou, Dennefeld, Marquette, Elias-Rosa, Isern, Stanishev, Kowalski, Langer, Eldridge, Gal-Yam, Schmidt, Scalzo, Sim, Yuan, Baltay, Danziger, Greggio, Pumo, Limongi, Maund, Rest, Huber, Stubbs, Della Valle, Dall'Ora, Blondin, Hamuy, Pignata, Ostman, Harutyunyan, Clocchiatti: 'A public spectroscopic survey of the Transient Universe' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
M |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
M |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
M |
EFOSC2 | 4.0 n |
N |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
N |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
N |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
O |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
O |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
O |
EFOSC2 | 4.0 n |
P |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
P |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
P |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
Q |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
Q |
EFOSC2 | 3.0 n |
Q |
EFOSC2 | 4.0 n |
R |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
R |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
R |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
Caffau, Bonifacio, Fran\c cois, Spite, Spite, Ludwig, Steffen, Christlieb, Koch, Cayrel, Sbordone, Monaco, Zaggia, Plez, Klessen, Glover, Clark: 'Search for the “critical metallicity” for low mass star formation' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
XSHOOTER | 40.0 h |
Pontoppidan, Pascucci, Banzatti, Flaccomio, Salyk, Carmona, Blake, Meeus, Sterzik, Kaufl, Meyer, Sacco, Alexander, Kamp, Dullemond: 'Protoplanetary disks as chemical factories: A spectroscopic survey of the thermo-chemical evolution of planet-forming regions' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
VISIR | 4.0 n |
Lopez, Becker, Christensen, Cristiani, Cupani, Dessauges-Zavadsky, D'Odorico, Ellison, Haehnelt, Hamann, Hennawi, Menard, Paris, Prochaska, Raghunathan, Viel, Wisotzki, Worseck: 'Quasars and their absorption lines: a legacy survey of the high redshift universe with X-shooter' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
XSHOOTER | 50.0 h |
Sana, Le Bouquin, Kratter, de Koter, Lacour, Absil, Berger, Lazareff, Millan-Gabet, Schnurr, Zinnecker: 'A VLTI/PIONIER multiplicity survey of O-type stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
C |
PIONIER | 2.5 n |
D |
PIONIER | 6.0 n |
F |
PIONIER | 2.0 n |
Trager, Peletier, Lan\c con, Prugniel, Vazdekis, Chen, Gonneau, Meneses-Goytia, Koleva, Cenarro, Falcón-Barroso, Mármol-Queraltó, Sánchez-Blázquez, Silva, Walcher: 'XSL: The X-Shooter Spectral Library' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
B |
XSHOOTER | 26.0 h |
Santos, Melo, Sousa, Dumusque, Figueira, Gomes da Silva, Sozzetti, Mortier, Udry, Mayor, Queloz, Pepe, Lovis, Boisse, Benamati, Lo Curto: 'Completing a deep search for hot neptunes around a sample of moderately metal-poor stars' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 11.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
Gieren, Pietrzynski, Storm, Nardetto, Bono, Fouqué, Kudritzki, Bresolin, Graczyk, Pilecki, Gallenne, Udalski, Soszynski, Thompson: 'Measuring the effect of metallicity on Cepheid absolute magnitudes: Towards a high-precision determination of the Hubble constant based on classical Cepheids' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
HARPS | 2.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 3.0 n |
A |
HARPS | 1.0 n |
B |
SOFI | 3.0 n |
B |
SOFI | 4.0 n |
Lowry, Deller, Duddy, Fitzsimmons, Green, Hicks, Rozitis, Snodgrass, Weissman, Wolters: 'Direct Detection of the Asteroidal YORP Effect: VISIR Phase 2' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
VISIR | 0.9 n |
B |
VISIR | 0.6 n |
C |
VISIR | 0.5 n |
pentericci, Vanzella, Fontana, Castellano, Dunlop, Giavalisco, Grazian, Dickinson, Bradac, Maiolino, Giallongo, Cristiani, Caputi, Conselice, Dahlen, Dekel, Fazio, Finkelstein, Galametz, Grogin, Hathi, Koekemoer, McLure, Mobasher, Scarlata, Santini, Tilvi, Treu, Yan: 'Looking for the CANDELS that reionized the Universe' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
FORS2 | 15.0 h |
B |
FORS2 | 25.0 h |
Berger, Lazareff, Monnier, Thi, Millan-Gabet, Benisty, Juhasz, Kluska, Kraus, Le Bouquin, Isella, Malbet, Dominik, Pinte, Baron, Menard, Thiebaut, Lachaume: 'Imaging the dusty horizon. The first VLTI protoplanetary disk survey with astronomical unit resolution.' |
Obs. Run |
Instrument | Time Allocated |
A |
PIONIER | 7.0 n |
B |
PIONIER | 4.0 n |
C |
PIONIER | 4.0 n |