Large Programmes scheduled in Period 72
This list of OPC approved Large Programmes (LPs) is updated every observing period.
The ESO policy regarding Large Programmes is available from a separate document.
166.A-0162 | White, Aragon-Salamanca, Bender, Best, Bremer, Charlot, Clowe, Dalcanton, Fort, Jablonka, Kauffmann, Mellier, Pello, Poggianti, Roettgering, Schneider, Zaritsky: 'The ESO distant cluster survey: evolution in clusters since z~1' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
E | NTT / SOFI | 1.0n |
F | UT4 / FORS2 | 3.0n |
167.D-0492 | Fransson, Dahlén, de Mello, Feltzing, Gilmozzi, Leibundgut, Lundqvist, Östlin, Wiklind, Wold: 'Supernovae at high redshift' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
C | UT3 / VIMOS | 40.0h |
168.A-0322 | Franceschini, Vettolani, Held, Lonsdale, Zamorani, Rowan-Robinson, Smith, Rizzi, Ciliegi, La Franca, Oliver, Perez-Fournon, Gruppioni, Prouton, Rodighiero, Berta, Matute: 'An ESO-SIRTF Wide-Area Imaging Survey (ESIS), targeting the history of cosmic transformations of baryons in stars and active nuclei' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
B | UT3 / VIMOS | 40.0h |
168.A-0485 | Cesarsky, Bergeron, Cristiani, da Costa, Dickinson, Elbaz, Fosbury, Giavalisco, Hook, Renzini, Rosati: 'The great observatories origins deep survey: ESO public observations of the SIRTF Legacy / Chandra Deep Field South' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
C | UT1 / ISAAC | 67.0h |
169.A-0382 | Lidman, Goobar, Folatelli, Garavini, Nobili, Amanullah, Pain, Astier, Raux, Schahmaneche, Hook, Perlmutter, Aldering, Nugent, Knop: 'Distant type Ia SNe and cosmology: constraining the nature of the dark energy and assessing the importance of dust and evolution' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
J | UT4 / FORS2 | 10.0h |
169.A-0458 | Franx, Rix, Kuijken, Rosati, van Dokkum, vd Wel, vd Ven: 'Galaxy mass-to-light ratios at z > 1 from the fundamental plane: measuring the star formation epoch and mass evolution of galaxies' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
E | UT4 / FORS2 | 4.0n |
169.A-0595 | Böhringer, Rosati, Schuecker, Collins, Guzzo, Borgani, Bower, Müller, Plionis, van der Weygaert, Lynam, Leibundgut, Matsushita, Ikebe, Finoguenov, Mullis: 'In-depth XMM-VLT study of cosmic structure and evolution with massive clusters and groups of galaxies' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
F | UT3 / VIMOS | 25.0h |
G | UT3 / VIMOS | 32.0h |
169.A-0725 | Krautter, Arnaud, Böhringer, Dennefeld, Elbaz, Franx, Guzzo, Ibata, Jorgensen, LaFranca, Meisenheimer, Morganti, Soucail, Surdej, Zamorani, da Costa, Arnouts, Groenewegen, Hatziminaoglou, Hook, Madejsky, Mignani, Rité, Slijkhuis, Vandame, Wicenec: 'Public Imaging Survey' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
F | NTT / SOFI | 6.0n |
170.A-0143 | Cimatti, Berta, Ciliegi, Comastri, Daddi, di Serego Alighieri, Fiore, Fontana, Franceschini, Gruppioni, La Franca, Lonsdale, Maiolino, Mignoli, Poli, Pozzetti, Rodighiero, Saracco, Smith, Vernet, Zamorani: 'The nature and evolution of infrared galaxies: bridging optical and SIRTF-SWIRE data with near-infrared observations of the ELAIS-S1 field' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
C | NTT / SOFI | 4.0n |
170.A-0519 | Leibundgut, Sollerman, Clocchiatti, Spyromilio, Stubbs, Suntzeff, Schmidt: 'The ω project: measuring the equation of state of the universe' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
B | UT1 / FORS1 | 3.0n |
C | UT1 / FORS1 | 3.0n |
170.A-0788 | Cesarsky, Bergeron, Cristinai, da Costa, Dickinson, Elbaz, Ettori, Fosbury, Giavalisco, Hook, Leibundgut, Renzini, Rosati: 'The great observatories origins deep survey: ESO public observations of the SIRTF Legacy/HST Treasury/Chandra Deep Field South' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
B | UT4 / FORS2 | 46.0h |
170.A-0789 | Krautter, Arnaud, Böhringer, Dalton, Dennefeld, Elbaz, Franx, Guzzo, Ibata, Jorgensen, LaFranca, Lawrence, Meisenheimer, Morganti, Soucail, Surdej, Zamorani, da Costa, Arnouts, Hatziminaoglou, Rité, Sikkema, Slijkhuis, Vandame: 'Public Imaging Survey: WFI follow-up of XMM-Newton serendipituous fields' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | 2.2 / WFI | 15.5h |
170.A-0790 | Krautter, Arnaud, Böhringer, Dalton, Dennefeld, Elbaz, Franx, Guzzo, Ibata, Jorgensen, LaFranca, Lawrence, Meisenheimer, Morganti, Soucail, Surdej, Zamorani, da Costa, Arnouts, Hatziminaoglou, Rité, Sikkema, Slijkhuis, Vandame: 'Public Imaging Survey - GALEX and SIRTF coverage and completion of the Deep Survey' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | 2.2 / WFI | 107.0h |
170.D-0010 | Christlieb, Bessell, Barklem, Beers, Edvardsson, Gustafsson, Hill, Karlsson, Korn, Kratz, Pfeiffer, Ryan: 'Nucleo-chronometric age dating of the oldest stars in the galaxy and the nature of the r-process' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
G | UT2 / UVES | 70.0h |
171.A-0486 | Pain, Antilogus, Astier, Balland, Basa, Copin, Cuby, Fabbro, Goobar, Hardin, Hook, Irwin, Lafoux, Lebrun, Lesquoy, Lidman, McMahon, Mazure, Mouchet, Mourao, Pécontal, Rich, Schahmaneche, Soucail, Sullivan, Walton: 'Measuring the "Cosmic Equation of State" and the "Star Formation Rate": spectroscopic identification of supernovae in the CFHT Legacy Survey' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | UT1 / FORS1 | 60.0h |
171.A-3045 | Cesarsky, Bergeron, Cristiani, da Costa, Daddi, Dickinson, Elbaz, Ettori, Fosbury, Giavalisco, Hook, Kuntschner, Leibundgut, Nonino, Renzini, Rosati: 'The great observatories origins deep survey: ESO public observations of the SIRTF Legacy / HST Treasury / Chandra Deep Field South' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
B | UT3 / VIMOS | 10.0h |
171.A-3054 | Giallongo, Bardelli, Cristiani, D'Odorico, Fontana, Foucaud, Garilli, LeFevre, Maccagni, Marinoni, Poli, Scaramella, Scodeggio, Tresse, Vanzella, Vettolani, Zanichelli, Zamorani: 'An ultra deep IFU sepctroscopic coverage of the Hubble Deep Field South' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | UT3 / VIMOS | 40.0h |
171.B-0442 | Tacconi, Genzel, Iserlohe, Sanders, Veilleux, Burkert, Baker, Lutz, Rigopoulou, Tecza: 'The dynamics and evolution of galaxy mergers: properties of the 1 Jy ULIRG sample' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
B | UT1 / ISAAC | 20.0h |
C | UT1 / ISAAC | 5.0n |
171.B-0520 | Gilmore, Binney, Efstathiou, Evans, Gerhard, Grebel, Harbeck, Hernandez, Irwin, Kleyna, Odenkirchen, Ostriker, Rix, Smartt, Turok, White, WIlkinson, Wyse: 'Towards the temperature of cold dark matter: quantitative stellar kinematics in dSph galaxies' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
C | UT2 / FLAMES | 9.0n |
D | UT2 / FLAMES | 8.0n |
171.B-0588 | Tolstoy, Hill, Jablonka, François, Helmi, Venn, IRwin, Shetrone, Primas, Kauder, Szeifert, Letarte, Arimoto, Sadakane, Abel: 'Dwarf galaxies: remnants of galaxy formation and corner stones for understanding galaxy evolution | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | UT2 / FLAMES | 66.5h |
E | 2.2m / WFI | 8.0h |
171.D-0004 | Gieren, Pietrzynski, Minniti, Bono, Bresolin, Fouqué, Kudritzki, Méndez, Storm: 'The Araucaria project: improving the distance scale with stellar distance indicators in nearby galaxies' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | UT1 / ISAAC | 28.0h |
C | UT4 / FORS2 | 1.4h |
E | 2.2m / WFI | 68.0h |
H | UT4 / FORS2 | 3.0n |
I | UT4 / FORS2 | 2.0n |
171.D-0237 | Smartt, Lennon, Puls, Pauldrach, Korn, Dufton, Munn, Ryans, Trundle, Evans, Howarth, Irwin, Venn, Hamann, Kaufer, de Koter, Herrero, Villamariz, Urbaneja, Najarro, Kudritzki: 'The FLAMES survey of massive stars in the Magellanic clouds' | |
Obs. Run | Telescope / Instrument | Time Allocated |
A | UT2 / FLAMES | 53.0h |