European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

Post-Doctoral Fellowship at the Italian ARC Node

Published: 25 Nov 2015

Announcement from the Italian Node
The Italian node of the European ALMA Regional Centre in Bologna offers a post-doctoral fellowship.
The position is for 2+1 years; proposed starting date March 1, 2016. The deadline for submission is Friday Dec. 18, 12 UT.

First Cycle 3 data delivered to PIs

Published: 19 Nov 2015

On 11 Nov 2015, the EU ARC delivered the first science data (a ToO observation) of Cycle 3 to PIs.
This came closely after the release of the new CASA version 4.5 on 29 Oct 2015 (see which is needed to process Cycle 3 data.

ALMA Fellowships

Published: 15 Nov 2015

The Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) is now offering postdoctoral fellowship positions to join the ALMA science operations group. Fellows will be based in the Santiago Central Office in Chile, with eventual shifts to the ALMA Operations Support Facility (OSF) near San Pedro de Atacama for real-time interaction with the telescope. Full details here.

ALMA Data Handling Workshop

Published: 15 Nov 2015

Announcement from the Italian Node
The Italian ARC-node organizes a workshop on ALMA data reduction and analysis for the Italian community: 9-12 Feb. 2016, Bologna. 
For details and futher updates please visit the workshop web site:

Report on ALMA Cycle 3 Proposal Review

Published: 07 Oct 2015

A detailed report on the outcome of the ALMA Early Science Cycle 3 Proposal Review Process is available. The report details the proposal review process, proposal statistics and regional distributions, the proposal distribution across science categories and receiver bands, as well as the anticipated observing pressure as a function of Local Sidereal Time and configuration. The accepted high priority Cycle 3 projects are listed here.

ALMA Status Report: August 2015

Published: 05 Oct 2015

The latest ALMA Status Report, available here, includes Cycle 2 Early Science observing progress (including Cycle 1 Transfer projects), project completion and data delivery summary, Extension and Optimization of Capabilities (EOC) activity, and preparations for Cycle 4, since the last Report (November 2014).

ALMA Cycle 3 User Survey Results

Published: 05 Oct 2015

The fourth ALMA user survey was conducted between the 1 May and 1 June 2015. A total of 536 users (representing 15% of the users who were sent the questionnaire and 44% of the Cycle 3 PIs) responded to the survey. This survey focused on topics related to proposal preparation and submission, including interaction with the ARC / ARC nodes for ALMA proposal preparation and usability of tools such as the ALMA Science Portal or the helpdesk. A summary is available.

ALMA Science Verification Data Release

Published: 28 Jul 2015

New ALMA Science Verification data have been released. The release consists of M100 observations of the CO(1-0) line in Band 3 with the 7-m Array and Total Power (TP) Array, along with an update of previously released 12-m data, demonstrating the ALMA Compact Array (ACA, 7-m and TP Arrays) and data combination capabilities.
SV observations of 3C 286 in Band 6 continuum, demonstrating ALMA's polarization capability, are also released.

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Showing 361 to 368 of 369 announcements