European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

Vacancy Notice: Astronomer/Software Engineer at UK ATC

Published: 17 Feb 2022

The UK Astronomy Technology Centre (UK ATC) is looking for an experienced astronomer/software engineer to join the ALMA software development team. The initial role will be to join the international teams designing and implementing software for the ALMA data processing pipeline and the ALMA Observing Tool. The deadline is on 20 March 2022 and more information can be found at the UK ATC recruiting page.

The ARI-L project has reached its main goal

Published: 15 Feb 2022

The Additional Representative Images for Legacy (ARI-L) ALMA development project has already delivered to the ALMA Science Archive (ASA) 132100 complete images. These are continuum images and cubes at native resolution for all targets and calibrators of more than 2300 Cycle 2, 3 and 4 datasets. This correspond to more than 70% of the datasets of those cycles processable with the ALMA imaging pipeline. The ARI-L image products can be retrieved from the ASA as "Externally delivered products" on the Request Handler download page directly listed below the ALMA data.

ALMA Science Archive previews

Published: 15 Feb 2022

The ALMA Science Archive now features fully interactive previews (zoom & pan) which can be accessed directly from the result table of the ALMA Science Archive interface. For each spectral window, the main FITS file is identified and its preview displayed, if available. The previews show the continuum image, the peak-flux (also called moment 8 image), and - if strong lines exist - the moment 0 and moment 1 image of the strongest line.

Upcoming ESO call for ALMA development studies

Published: 10 Feb 2022

The next call for ESO ALMA development studies is expected to be announced in November 2022, with a provisional deadline in January 2023. In this call, ESO will solicit proposals for external development studies to upgrade a broad range of ALMA systems. Studies that follow the scientific priorities outlined in the ALMA 2030 roadmap are particularly encouraged, such as upgrades of the IF bandwidth by a factor up to 4 compared to the current system.

QA0+ results now available from SnooPI

Published: 31 Jan 2022

QA0+ results are now available for PIs from SnooPI in the QA0 report, which can be found in the Scheduling Blocks (SB) detailed view.

QA0+ is one of the stages of Quality Assurance (QA) which runs a simplified and rapid scripted calibration and imaging pipeline of the channel-averaged data, producing continuum-only images of the science target, phase calibrator, and check source.

Early deadline for GMVA+ALMA proposals

Published: 24 Jan 2022

The phased ALMA array is expected to participate in Global mm-VLBI Array (GMVA) observations during ALMA Cycle 9 (October 2022 - September 2023). An introduction to the GMVA+ALMA observing mode including a link to all current capabilities and restrictions is available here

Any GMVA+ALMA proposal must be submitted to the GMVA before the GMVA deadline on 01 February 2022. In addition, a separate proposal must be submitted to ALMA by the deadline on 21 April 2022.

Improved Image Visualization and Analysis with CARTA 2.0

Published: 19 Jan 2022

The Cube Analysis and Rendering Tool for Astronomy (CARTA), is the next generation image visualization and analysis tool designed for ALMA, VLA, and SKA pathfinders. As of January 2022, the improved version CARTA 2.0 is available on the ALMA Science Archive.

ALMA recounts of cosmic conundrums: How does the dynamics of galaxies evolve over cosmic time?

Published: 17 Jan 2022

The third talk of the series "ALMA recounts of cosmic conundrums" will take place February 2nd at 14:00 CET and will be presented by Francesca Rizzo (Dawn), who will address the question: How does the dynamics of galaxies evolve over cosmic time? The talk will be broadcast live on the youtube channel of the European ARC network.

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Showing 121 to 128 of 369 announcements