European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

Impressions from the ALMA Postdoc Symposium

Published: 14 Oct 2016

Following the main ALMA conference "Half a Decade of ALMA: Cosmic Dawns Transformed" held in Palm Springs (California) from 20 to 23 September 2016, the 2nd ALMA Postdoc Symposium took place during the weekend of 24/25 September. More than 15 postdocs working for the different ALMA Regional Centres gathered together to share their scientific research and knowledge about the different activities related to ALMA. This time, a number of postdocs not directly associated with the ALMA Regional Centres but working with ALMA data were invited to participate and join the discussions.

UK ALMA "Bring Your Own Data" Workshop

Published: 10 Oct 2016

The UK ALMA Regional Centre Node would like to invite UK ALMA data users to a data reduction/processing event at Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics (UoM campus) to be held on 21 - 25 November 2016. The focus of the workshop is to explore and to work on either own ALMA data or archival data with the assistance of UK ARC Node personnel and ARC Node computing resources.

CASA 4.7.0 has been released

Published: 04 Oct 2016

A new version of CASA, version 4.7.0. has been released. This latest release 4.7.0 is available on Linux with Red Hat and Mac OSX with El Capitan and Yosemite operating systems. CASA may also work on other flavors of Linux. The list above covers those operating systems that on which regular test are done.

More details can be obtained from the CASA Web site.


ALMA Cycle 4 Proposal Review: Detailed Report

Published: 24 Sep 2016

A detailed report on the outcome of the ALMA Cycle 4 Proposal Review Process is now available. The report details the proposal review process, proposal statistics and regional distributions, as well as the proposal distribution across science categories and receiver bands.

ALMA User Satisfaction Survey 2016

Published: 23 Sep 2016

ALMA will soon start science operations of Cycle 4. We are now looking forward to hearing your opinion regarding the Science Portal, user support, ALMA Science Archive, SnooPI, data processing and products, and aspects related to the ALMA Cycle 4 Phase 2 preparation and submission.

With this purpose we kindly ask you to complete the survey at: The deadline for submitting your feedback is Monday, October 24 at 15:00 UT.

ALMA Celebrates Half a Decade of Scientific Results

Published: 23 Sep 2016

Over 200 astronomers from all around the world have gathered in Indian Wells, California, U.S.A. to participate in the Half a Decade of ALMA: Cosmic Dawns Transformed conference held between September 20 and 23 and organized by ALMA and its partners: NRAO, NAOJ and ESO. This is the third international conference presenting ALMA’s results since the Observatory began its astronomical observation cycles.

More information:

Updated ALMA Configuration Schedule for Cycle 4

Published: 07 Sep 2016

ALMA announces that Configuration C40-7 will not be visited in October 2016 as indicated in the Cycle 4 Proposer’s Guide.

Release of ALMA Observations of the Galactic Centre

Published: 05 Sep 2016

ALMA observations of the Galactic Centre obtained on July 12 and 18, 2016 UT are now available in the ALMA archive. The ALMA data were obtained using Director’s Discretionary Time under project code 2015.A.00021.S (Principal Investigator Gunther Witzel) and are being made available to the community with no proprietary period.

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Showing 329 to 336 of 369 announcements