European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

Special session during EAS 2020 on ALMA

Published: 25 Feb 2020

The European ALMA Regional Centre (EU ARC) offers support to a large community of researchers hosted by European institutions. The support is offered to the ALMA user community through seven ARC Nodes and a Centre of Expertise which are spread across Europe, as well as the central ARC which is at ESO. The aim of this Special Session during the annual meeting of the European Astronomical Society is to bring together European ALMA users and the researchers providing support at the different EU ARC Nodes. This is a great opportunity for current and future users of ALMA to discuss new scientific results, observation and data reduction strategies, foster collaborations, and brainstorm on development and implementation of software from the user community. Additionally, it offers the opportunity to identify the need for new capabilities, some of which could be implemented in the near future, such as data combination from different array configurations, pipeline products delivery, and archive mining.

More information can be found at the splinter session webpage. The deadline for abstract submissions is 2 March 2020.

Job Advertisement: Sub-mm Postdoctoral position at the German ARC node

Published: 21 Feb 2020

The radio astronomy group at the Argelander Institute for Astronomy invites applications for a postdoctoral position to work on galaxy evolution studies at radio- and (sub-)mm wavelengths and join the German Node of the ALMA Regional Centre. The position is for three years with the posibility of extension to six years.

The deadline for applications is March 1, 2020. For more information see


New ALMA Europe social media channels

Published: 17 Feb 2020

The ARC network now has a social media presence! We aim to report on everything from insider information on the latest European ALMA results to life at the nodes, reports from both technical and scientific meetings and workshops, and exclusive insights into what it's like to be an (ALMA) astronomer. Come and join us on Facebook (@ALMAEUARC), Instagram (@alma_europe) or Twitter (@ALMA_Europe)!

Items for planning Cycle 8 proposals

Published: 10 Feb 2020

The ALMA call for Proposals for Cycle 8 is soon approaching. ALMA is strongly committed to ensure that the proposal review process is as fair and impartial as possible. Analysis of the proposal rankings in previous cycles has identified systematics that may signify the presence of biases in the review process (see Systematics in the ALMA Proposal Review Rankings). In an effort to reduce biases as much as possible, ALMA will use a dual-anonymous proposal review process starting in Cycle 8.


Cycle 7 ACA Supplemental Call Results

Published: 16 Jan 2020

The deadline for submission of ACA Cycle 7 supplemental proposals was 1 October 2019. There were 249 proposals recieved with a request totalling 8199 hours, vastly exceeding the anticipated 2500 hours to be offered. This was the first call to use the distributed peer review system at ALMA. There were 99 projects accepted with a total of 3069 hours observing time. In addition 1294 hours of Total Power time was also accepted. The proposal acceptance rate was independent of time requested per project, which ranged from a few hours up to ~150 hours per proposal. Band 3 and 6 were the preferred bands of choice. For more details see the offical report.

ALMA Cycle 8 Pre-announcement

Published: 20 Dec 2019

The Joint ALMA Observatory (JAO) will start the next cycle of observing (Cycle 8) in October 2020.

A Call for Proposals with detailed information on Cycle 8 will be issued in March 2020, with a deadline for proposal submission mid-April 2019. This pre-announcement highlights aspects of the Cycle 8 proposal call that are needed to plan proposals. More information can be found on the ALMA Science Portal.  

Job Advertisement: ALMA Postdoctoral Positions at Allegro

Published: 12 Dec 2019

Allegro, the Netherlands node of the European ALMA Regional Centre (ARC) at Leiden Observatory, invites applications for two postdoctoral support positions. The position offers the opportunity for research at one of the major centres of astronomy in the Europe as well as an in-depth involvement in the development and operations of ALMA. Established in 1633, Leiden Observatory is the oldest university observatory in operation today.

The deadline for applications is Jan 21, 2020.

The ALMA2030 Vision: Design considerations for the Next ALMA Correlator

Published: 15 Nov 2019

Design Considerations for the Next ALMA Correlator to be held 11-13 February 2020, in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA

The purpose of this meeting is to bring together experts on the ALMA system and modern digital correlator design in order to (1) discuss ALMA design requirements for the next generation ALMA correlator that enables the ALMA2030 vision; (2) share pros and cons of recent and currently under design correlator architectures; and (3) identify challenges for implementing and deploying a new ALMA correlator. Ultimately we hope this meeting encourages and informs the submission of viable designs for the next ALMA correlator in the near future.

Tthe deadline for abstract submission is December 20.

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Showing 209 to 216 of 354 announcements