European ARC Announcements

European ARC Announcements are provided by ESO and the European ALMA Nodes that together make up the European ALMA Regional Centre Network.

ALMA Reduces Science Operations

Published: 23 Oct 2019

In response to the state of emergency declared over the last few days in Chile, ALMA is reducing to minimum operations, i.e. no science observations, and keeping just essential services to ensure the safety and well-being of its employees, and the Observatory. This measure applies to both the main offices in Santiago and the Observatory operations near Calama and San Pedro de Atacama, and will be reassessed daily. All ALMA staff are well, and the Observatory facilities are safe.

EU request for calibrated data

Published: 20 Sep 2019

By popular demand, the EU ARC has implemented a service which permits ALMA users to request the calibrated data for a given dataset (Member Obs Unit Set, MOUS) to be made available for download. The service is open both for ALMA PIs or Delegees with proprietary ALMA data and for archival users wanting to use datasets for which the proprietary time has expired.

ALMA Cycle 7 ACA Supplemental Call for Proposals

Published: 09 Sep 2019

The Supplemental Call is open to Regular Proposals (i.e., no Large Programs) without time constraints that propose to use standard observing modes, as allowed for ACA stand-alone proposals in the Main Call. Proposals may request to use the 7-­m array only or the 7­-m array plus Total Power array. It is anticipated that approximately 2500 hours on the 7-m array will be scheduled in the Supplemental Call. For more information please visit the dedicated ACA Supplemental Call page.

The new ALMA interface query tool

Published: 29 Jul 2019

Welcome, the new as-fast-as-you-type query interface for the ALMA. This amazing new ALMA query interface features the classical result table, in addition to an expanded view of the observations on-the-sky through AladinLite, as well as a totally new viewer to visualize the spectral coverage of the observations - all in one easy to use package.

Phase II submission is now open

Published: 26 Jul 2019

The Phase II submission period is now open for all PIs to submit the science goals of their accepted Cycle 7 projects. The Observing tool has also been updated with the Phase II version. Your project may also be required to pass a technical feasibility assessment as part of the Phase II process in order to be added to the observing queue. Further information on the Phase 2 process, including how you can delegate the Phase II preparation to one of your colleagues, is available in the Phase II Quickstart Guide at

ALMA Cycle 7 PI survey

Published: 26 Jul 2019

Subsequent to the ALMA Cycle 7 proposal result outcomes, ALMA kindly requests the participation of all PIs to submit feedback on the consensus reports received informing them of their ALMA Cycle 7 results. One survey should be completed per proposal submitted.

The surveys are strictly confidential and anonymous, but provide the means to gauge and improve the reviewing process. The deadline for completing the survey is 5 September 2019. To complete your survey please follow the link here.

Cycle 7 Proposal results

Published: 25 Jul 2019

The ALMA Cycle 7 results were announced on July 23, 2019, with almost 400 high-priotiry proposals assigned for the upcoming observations. Cycle 7 observations will begin on Octorber, 1, 2019 and have a total of 4300 hours allocated to the 12 metre main array. The newly accepted A and B ranked proposals will have 4033 hours dedicated time while the remainig 267 hours is allotted for the carried-over Cycle-6 A rated projects. For more details on the execution time distribution by region and sciecne catagory visit the ALMA Observatory.

Job Advertisement: ALMA Scientific Researcher position at PACE

Published: 22 Jul 2019

Since May 2014, the Institute for Astrophysics and Space Science (Lisbon node, IA) is officially part of the European Atacama Large Millimetre Array (ALMA) support structure as a Centre of Expertise (CoE). This status was granted by ESO after the recognition of IA team’s capability to support the community with the use of ALMA, in addition to the already existent EU ALMA Regional Centre (ARC) nodes.

PACE advertise a 2-year ALMA related post-doc position

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