Science Announcements

Completion of ALMA Early Science Cycle 1 and Start of Cycle 2

Published: 24 Jun 2014

The ALMA Cycle 1 Early Science observing season ended in May 2014. As of 3 June, a total of 36 of the 198 High Priority (HP) projects (including Director's Discretionary Time) have been completed and delivered to the Principal Investigators. The unobserved components of the remaining 146 HP projects have been transferred to Cycle 2 where they will be executed in parallel with the Cycle 2 approved programme (see the Cycle 2 announcement).

ALMA Cycle 2 Software Update

Published: 26 May 2014

The acceptance of the ALMA Cycle 2 software, required for Cycle 2 observations and paving the way for the start of Cycle 2 observation in early June 2014, will shortly be announced. Part of the Cycle 2 software is an on-line interface to the ALMA calibrator source catalogue, which will soon be available on the ALMA science portal. A brief description of the ALMA calibrator survey was recently published.

Results of the User Support Department Feedback Campaign

Published: 26 May 2014

The User Support Department (USD) would like to thank all those Principal Investigators and their Phase 2 delegates who filled in the on-line User Satisfaction Survey. As of mid-March 2014, 155 responses were received from our targeted campaign. We have contacted, when possible, those respondents who provided detailed comments. A summary report of the User Satisfaction Survey is now available.

Release of X-shooter Science Data Products

Published: 19 May 2014

Access to reduced scientific data from the VLT X-shooter spectrograph is now provided from the Science Archive Facility. 33000 spectra of all kinds of sources obtained in ECHELLE,SLIT mode, from the beginning of X-shooter operations in October 2009 until the end of 2013, have been published. The X-shooter reduced data collection will grow with time in monthly release cycles as reduced products become available.

HIRES 2014: Astronomy at High Angular Resolution – A Cross-disciplinary Approach

Published: 13 May 2014

ESO Workshop, ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany, 24–28 November 2014

Recent years have seen a huge development in high-resolution techniques, which are critical to progress in many different areas of astronomy. These techniques can be divided into direct methods (e.g., adaptive optics, lucky imaging), interferometry (including speckle imaging and spectro-astrometry) and reconstruction methods (astrotomography). This workshop aims to bring together the different communities working in these fields increasing the synergies among them.

Call for MUSE Science Verification Proposals

Published: 23 Apr 2014

The science verification (SV) for the Multi-Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE) will take place on the nights of 20–29 June 2014. All community astronomers are kindly invited to participate in this opportunity to obtain early science with MUSE and thus to demonstrate the scientific capabilities of this unique instrument.

ESO Studentships

Published: 22 Apr 2014

The research studentship programme provides an outstanding opportunity for Ph.D. students to experience the exciting scientific environment, at one of the world's leading observatories, for a period of up to two years.

ESO Period 94 Proposal Statistics

Published: 22 Apr 2014

The proposal submission for ESO Period 94 closed on 27 March 2014. 901 proposals were received requesting 2389 nights in total, including 23 Large Programme and 44 Target of Opportunity (ToO) proposals.

Tools to Correct for Telluric Absorption and Emission Lines

Published: 22 Apr 2014

Two software tools to correct astronomical spectra for telluric absorption (molecfit) and emission (skycorr) lines have been publicly released. They have been developed for ESO by a team of astronomers at the Institute for Astro- and Particle Physics at the University of Innsbruck, as part of the Austrian in-kind contribution. In addition, a model of the sky emission and transmission spectrum at Cerro Paranal is also available.

Release of Photometric Catalogue Data Resulting from the VISTA Magellanic Survey

Published: 11 Apr 2014

The VISTA Magellanic Survey (VMC) – one of the six public surveys current at the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) – aims at determining the spatially resolved star formation history and 3D geometry of the Magellanic system. The VMC survey is designed to reach stars below the oldest main-sequence turn-off and the multi-epoch strategy enables accurate Ks mean magnitudes for variable stars, e.g. RR Lyrae stars and Cepheids, to be measured. Catalogues from some of the deep co-added survey images have now been released.

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Showing 881 to 890 of 971 announcements