Science Announcements

Second PESSTO Catalogue Release

Published: 23 Aug 2017

New versions of the transient and photometric catalogues from the PESSTO Public Spectroscopic Survey have been released to complement the previously released DR3 spectra.

VPHAS+ Second Band-merged Catalogue Release

Published: 22 Aug 2017

The second catalogue release from the ESO Public Survey, the VST Photometric H-alpha Survey of the Southern Galactic Plane and Bulge (VPHAS+), is now available via the Catalogue Facility. This band-merged catalogue covers about 1100 square degrees, corresponding  to 48% of the VPHAS+ footprint covering the southern Galactic Plane and is based on images acquired up to 30 March 2015.

Phase 3 Migration of SINFONI Spectra from the AMAZE Large Programme

Published: 21 Aug 2017

AMAZE (Assessing the Mass-Abundance redshift [z] Evolution) was a SINFONI Large Programme aimed at determining the mass-metallicity relation and galaxy dynamics in the redshift range 3 < < 5 (Programme ID 178.B-0838; PI: R. Maiolino). The full set of extracted 1-D FITS spectra from this survey were released in February 2011 and have now been migrated and ingested in the ESO Science Archive Facility.

Period 100 Telescope Allocation

Published: 05 Jul 2017

The 100th Observing Programmes Committee (OPC) met on 16–18 May 2017. A total of 1082 (8-hour equivalent) nights of Visitor Mode and Service Mode observations were allocated on the VLT/VLTI, VISTA, VST, the 3.6-metre and NTT, and APEX telescopes. The submission deadline for Phase 2 Service Mode observations is 3 August 2017; see the separate announcement for further details.

Service Mode Phase 2 for Observing Period 100

Published: 04 Jul 2017

With the release of the telescope schedule, the preparation of Service Mode (SM) observations (Phase 2) starts. The deadline for the submission of the Phase 2 material for Period 100 observations is 3 August 2017.

Reaching New Heights in Astronomy

Published: 03 Jul 2017

Celebrating ESO's achievements and perspectives from 10 years of Tim de Zeeuw as Director General
ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany, 28–30 August 2017

The last decade has witnessed a great expansion in the footprint of ESO on the world astronomical landscape, with many developments at Paranal and La Silla, the construction and start of operations of ALMA, the continuing success of APEX, and the arrival of new Member States. The Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) has advanced conclusively, funding has been secured, and construction has started. The Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) has recently selected its southern site to be on the ESO area that also contains Paranal, with ESO as a partner.

Atacama Large-Aperture Submm/mm Telescope (AtLAST)

Published: 02 Jul 2017

Workshop to discuss science/technical aspects of AtLAST
ESO Headquarters, Garching, Germany, 17-19 January 2018

A two-year EU-ALMA study on the scientific merit for – and technical implementation of – an Atacama Large Aperture Submm/mm Telescope (AtLAST) is underway. We now invite the community to join in establishing working groups on science and technology aspects of AtLAST. The workshop will be a crucial forum to collect insights and feedback, and commit to a single vision for producing a single dish facility.

Status Update of ALMA Cycle 4 Observations

Published: 02 Jul 2017

The ALMA Observatory has experienced severe winter storms, making it difficult to recover the 12-metre array for Principal Investigator (PI) observations. This has had an even more detrimental impact on the relocation to long baselines. Routine observations utilising the 7-m and Total Power Arrays are ongoing and clearance work is continuing to enable 12-metre array PI science and reconfigure to the longest baselines. An update regarding the revised configuration schedule will be released in the coming weeks; see the ALMA News for more detail.

Results of ALMA Cycle 4 Supplemental Call

Published: 01 Jul 2017

198 proposals requesting 4815 hours of observing time on the ALMA 7-metre Array were received in response to the Cycle 4 Supplemental Call for Proposals. A total of 32 proposals requesting 716 hours were accepted and added to the 7-metre Array observing queue for the remainder of Cycle 4. See the report for further details.

ESO Annual Report 2016

Published: 28 Jun 2017

The 2016 ESO Annual Report is now available, as small or full sized PDF. The Annual Report describes a few science highlights from 2016 and provides a comprehensive summary of last year's activities covering all aspects of the Organisation, including ALMA and the ELT.

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Showing 621 to 630 of 971 announcements