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First Light for GRAVITY Wide at the VLTI

Published: 08 Jun 2022

GRAVITY+ is the ongoing upgrade of GRAVITY and the Very Large Telescope Interferometer (VLTI) with wide-separation fringe tracking, new adaptive optics, and laser guide stars on all four 8-m Unit Telescopes (UTs), for ever-fainter, all-sky, high contrast, milliarcsecond interferometry. GRAVITY+ just reached its first milestone: GRAVITY Wide.

Fifth Gaia-ESO data release: astrophysical parameters of about 115000 stars

Published: 16 May 2022

Gaia-ESO is an ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey (under ESO Programme IDs: 188.B-3002, 193.B-0936, 197.B-1074; PIs: Gerry Gilmore & Sofia Randich) carried out with GIRAFFE and UVES on the VLT between 2012 and 2018. The survey targeted more than 100,000 stars, with 115,000 actually observed by the end of the survey. These stars are selected across all major components of the Milky Way, from halo to star-forming regions, with the goal of providing an homogeneous overview of their kinematics and elemental abundance distributions.

ESO Science Data Products standard version 8 published

Published: 11 Apr 2022

Version 8 of the ESO Science Data Products standard is now published; highlights of the revisions are:

Fifth and final data release of the VISTA Deep Extragalactic Observations (VIDEO) Survey now available

Published: 04 Apr 2022

VIDEO (under programme ID 179.A-2006, PI: Jarvis) is a deep near-infrared survey which targets ~12 square degrees over the ELAIS-S1, XMM-LSS, and E-CDFS extragalactic fields. VIDEO belongs to the suite of the first cycle Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA) public surveys conducted at ESO and now completed.

In this final release (VIDEO DR5) all individual stacked pawprints and tiles from Nov 2009 to Sep 2018 are released, as well as the corresponding single-band source lists. In addition, deep-stacked images in Z, Y, J, H, Ks filters are released. They are provided both as stacks of tiles (total of 8x5 images), and as one large mosaic for each field (3x5 images). Their corresponding aperture-matched source lists are also provided. The data also include a band-merged photometry source catalogue which contains i) 842,337 unique sources in the VIDEO-ES1 area, ii) 1,279,857 unique sources over the ~4.5 deg2 in the VIDEO-XMM area, and iii) 1,138,485 sources over the ~4.5 deg2 in the VIDEO-CDFS area.

The release consists of 1.8 TB of data, with images all (re-)processed using version 1.5 of the VISTA reduction pipeline provided by CASU.

Second data release from the VISTA Cycle 2 ESO Public Survey VISIONS

Published: 28 Feb 2022

VISIONS (programme id 198.C-2009, PI J. Alves) is a near-infrared ESO second cycle VISTA Public Survey which covers all major nearby star-forming regions accessible from the southern hemisphere. This imaging survey is designed to deliver deep high-sensitivity observations of areas with large amounts of extinction. It includes also control fields which sample the predominant stellar populations in largely extinction-free regions and multiple epochs imaging data over large areas surrounding the targeted star-forming regions to enable the computation of proper motions for sources inaccessible to Gaia.

This second data release (DR2) contains all the observations on the star-forming region Corona Australis. In total, 160 tiles covering about 43 deg2 have been observed, for a total of 3360 files and 0.87 T, between April 2017 and October 2021. The image quality is excellent throughout the entire survey fields with most data featuring point source FWHMs better than 1 arcsec. Compared to 2MASS, the survey reaches up to 6 mag fainter sensitivity limits.

For each observed field, photometrically and astrometrically calibrated tiles and stacked pawprints, together with a corresponding source table are published and available via the Archive Science Portal or programmatically.

A detailed description of the released data is available in the related documentation.

First data release of the Burst Alert Telescope AGN legacy survey of molecular gas fueling in powerful nearby AGN

Published: 02 Feb 2022

The APEX telescope has obtained CO(2-1) spectra for a sample of 165 hard-X-Ray-selected AGN galaxies detected in observations by the Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) onboard Swift. These observations, taken under the ESO programme id 198.A-0708, PI M. Koss, allow a statistical comparison of AGN and non-AGN dominated galaxies in the local Universe, for example from the ALLSMOG APEX survey. As this programme mainly aimed at observing a statistical sample of nearby AGN, many of the galaxies observed are well-known galaxies, and these Phase 3 data can provide a valuable total power measurement of the CO(2-1) emission which then  can be combined with interferometric observations obtained with ALMA. Additionally, the BASS (BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey) sample includes a variety of other ESO data products including hundreds of spectra with VLT/Xshooter, VLT/MUSE, and VLT/FORS2 with more information at the BASS survey website.

This BAT AGN release available via the Science Portal or programatically, makes the combined CO(2-1) spectra publicly available so users can derive further spectroscopic parameters, and compare them with other lines in these objects. The spectra either have a peak S/N>5 or reach depths of 0.5-2 mK rms for non-detections. Further details can be found in the data release paper by Koss et al. (2021) or in the accompanying release description.

Instructions on how to read or display data in the ESO/SDP tabular data format can be found in the 1D spectrum data format help page.

First data release from the ESO VISTA Public Survey - Southern H-ATLAS Regions in Ks-band (SHARKS)

Published: 31 Jan 2022

The Southern H-ATLAS Regions in Ks-band (SHARKS) is a deep Ks-band imaging survey conducted with the wide-field VIRCAM imager at the VISTA telescope. The project was granted 1200 hours of observing time under the ESO programme 198.A-2006 (PI H. Dannerbauer) as one of seven approved second cycle VISTA Public Surveys.

New Gaia-ESO radial velocity catalogue released (DR4.1)

Published: 25 Oct 2021

Gaia-ESO is a Public Spectroscopic Survey carried out with GIRAFFE and UVES on the VLT between 2012 and 2018. The survey targeted more than 100,000 stars, with 115,000 actually observed by the end of the survey. These stars are selected across all major components of the Milky Way, from halo to star-forming regions, with the goal of providing an homogeneous overview of their kinematics and elemental abundance distributions.

VVVX DR1.1 published: releasing the entire Ks time series

Published: 20 Oct 2021

The VISTA Cycle 2 ESO Public Survey project -VVV eXtended- PI D. Minniti, P. Lucas, is carried out with VIRCAM on VISTA in the JHKs filters and covers a total of ~1540 deg2 of the southern Galactic plane. The VVVX DR1.1 complements DR1 by mainly providing i) the missing Ks time series and ii) the source lists generated from the pawprints published in DR1, which were observed between July 2016 and March 2018. The released data total about 9 TB. Science products generated from observations in the time interval from April 2018 to October 2019 are accessible in the already published DR2 release.

Second imaging data release from the VISTA Cycle 2 ESO Public Survey VVVX

Published: 15 Sep 2021

The VISTA Cycle 2 ESO Public Survey project -VVV eXtended- PI D. Minniti, P. Lucas, is carried out with VIRCAM on VISTA in the JHKs filters and covers a total of ~1540 deg2 of the southern Galactic plane.

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