News and Updates

Discontinuation of PI Packages

Published: 04 Nov 2011

With the deployment of the CalSelector service, the generation of PIPack is discontinued as of November 4th, 2011. PI Packs created before that date will remain available online from the PI Packages service, but will not be updated anymore (also, please note that PIPacks created between October 1st and November 4th, 2011 only contain raw data).

Introduction of calibration selection via the ESO Science Archive Facility

Published: 04 Nov 2011

CalSelector is a new archive service that, starting from the results of a query for raw science files, groups together the raw science files that need to be calibrated together (e.g. an infrared jitter sequence) and associates and returns all the raw and static calibrations needed to process the raw science files. Excerpts from the relevant Night Logs and an xml representation of the calibration cascade are added as ancillary files to the request, as well. The set of raw and static calibrations needed to process the raw science files is defined by the calibration plan of that instrument and instrument mode. The calibration plans are distributed as part of the instrument documentation (, e.g.

Removal of Optical Discs as a Delivery Option

Published: 18 Aug 2011

From 2012 the ESO Science Archive Facility will cease distribution of data using optical disc media.

NACO Apodizing Phase Plate Imaging commissioning data release

Published: 25 May 2011

A new coronagraphic Apodizing Phase Plate (APP) has been placed since Period 86, in a pupil plane on NaCo and designed to work in the 3 to 5 micron range. APP Imaging is offered with either the narrow-band filter NB_4.05 or the broad band filter L_prime. It allows direct imaging (no mask) with an improved companion detection limit between 0.2 and 0.7” on one side of the PSF.

Alternative method for handling ESO archive data requests now available

Published: 24 Mar 2011

An alternative method for handling ESO Archive Requests for data and performing the instant download of data through a Download Manager is now available with full documentation provided in an Archive User Manual and in the FAQ. The new features are still subject to maintenance and are deployed in parallel to the existing user services for ftp retrieval and media delivery. Long term the Download Manager is planned to replace the ftp service and from now on already provides functionality to support the on-line PI-Pack service.

ESO Phase 3 infrastructure now in operation

Published: 10 Mar 2011

Phase 3 denotes the process in which principal investigators of ESO observing programmes return their reduced data products to ESO for storage in the ESO archive and subsequent data publication to the scientific community. Phase 3 is mandatory for ESO Public Surveys and for ESO Large Programmes since period 75.

New HARPS and FEROS pipeline processed data releases

Published: 09 Feb 2011

A new query form has been released that provides access to pipeline processed HARPS (since October 2003) and FEROS (since April 2005) data.

FEROS spectroscopic time-series data releases

Published: 06 Aug 2010

In the framework of the ESO Large Programme "The ground-based counterpart of the CoRoT asteroseismic observations from space" (178.D-0361), time-series of high-resolution (R~48000) spectra have been obtained for 8 targets with FEROS@2.2-m ESO/MPI telescope, La Silla, Chile.

Hubble Legacy Archive - ACS/WFC Grism Final Release

Published: 30 Jun 2010

The ST-ECF is releasing the full set of ACS/WFC grism spectra into the Hubble Legacy Archive, consisting of 47919 1D and 2D spectra and associated multi-band image cutouts, extracted from 153 archival fields. This is the largest set of high-level spectroscopic data products publicly released to date. The ACS G800L grism spectra provides a wavelength range of 0.55-1.05µm, with a dispersion of 40Å/pixel and a resolution of ~80Å for point-like sources. These extracted spectra and associated ancillary data lead to the prompt classification of over 32000 unique sources and in many cases to the determination of the redshift of extra-galactic sources (galaxies and AGN).

VISTA/VIRCAM instrument specific query form now available

Published: 18 May 2010

VISTA, is a 4-m class wide field survey telescope for the southern hemisphere, equipped with a near infrared camera VIRCAM (1.65 degree diameter field of view at VISTA's nominal pixel size) containing 67 million pixels of mean size 0.339 arcsec and available broad band filters at Z,Y,J,H,Ks and a narrow band filter at 1.18 micron.

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