News and Updates

First release of pipeline-processed APEX data: the Boomerang nebula

Published: 18 Jan 2019

The ESO APEX science operations team have now started the processing of public APEX archival data using standard calibrations. The released science data consist of a flux map.

Additional release of in-house reprocessed VIMOS images as part of the UK in-kind reprocessing project

Published: 15 Jan 2019

All VIMOS imaging science observations from April 2016 until the end of VIMOS operations in March 2018 have now been processed by ESO and are added to the VIMOS imaging data release. The latest release consists of 466 images and extracted source catalogues at the observing block level in Multi-Extension Fits (MEF) files, with a total size of 51.73 GB. The full VIMOS imaging collection of science data products consists of 38,100 frames with a total size of 1.9 Tb.

First data release from the Galaxy Clusters At Vircam (GCAV) ESO VISTA Public Survey

Published: 03 Jan 2019

Galaxy Clusters At Vircam (GCAV) is a survey belonging to the second cycle of ESO VISTA Public Surveys. It is aimed at observing 20 clusters of galaxies covering in total ~30 deg2 in the infrared Y, J, and Ks bands. It will mainly explore galaxy evolution over a large, and largely unexplored, diversity of cluster environments. The DR1 release concerns 9 clusters and contains tile images and related source lists from data collected over the period from October 2016 to the end of September 2017. For two clusters, RXCJ1514.9-1523 and RXCJ2129.6+0005 with complete observations during periods P98 and P99, deep stacks in Y, J and Ks filters are also released, as well as merged catalogues containing aperture matched photometry in the filter bands of the deep stacks.

First data release by the Next Generation Transit Survey

Published: 19 Nov 2018

The Next Generation Transit Survey (NGTS) is a ground based exoplanet survey designed to detect Neptune and super-Earth sized planets orbiting around bright stars, using the transit method. The NGTS facility consists of 12 fully-robotic 20cm f/2.8 telescopes located on ESO ground in Paranal. Each telescope has a 2.8x2.8 deg2 field of view and is equipped with a custom filter with a bandpass of 520-890nm, which increases sensitivity to late-K and early-M stars.

Spectra from the XSHOOTER GRB afterglow legacy sample (XS-GRB) released

Published: 10 Oct 2018

This data release provides 1D spectra of 103 individual afterglows that were observed with the XSHOOTER spectrograph within 48 hours of the GRB trigger. The data release includes a few late-time host observations also for completeness. The total collection of spectra represents all GRB afterglows that have been followed up with XSHOOTER before March 31st, 2017. This date marks the end of the XS-GRB legacy follow-up program. Redshifts have been measured for 97% of these sources, covering a redshift range from 0.059 to 7.84, hence this dataset provides a unique resource to study the ISM across cosmic time.

New Features for the ESO Archive Science Portal

Published: 02 Oct 2018

ESO’s Archive Science Portal provides an intuitive yet very powerful way of browsing, searching and downloading reduced science-ready data. Since the initial rollout three months ago, it has already been visited by more than approximately 1700 users (as inferred from the count of distinct IP addresses). Based on user feedback a new view mode has been implemented as a central new feature in addition to the already existing sky view. It allows users to inspect, at a glance, the multi-dimensional query space in up to seventeen 1D distributions. They include physical parameters like sensitivity and signal-to-noise ratio, alongside more traditional ones such as Programme ID or instrumental setup. Users can easily interact with any list or histogram to add or remove search constraints and to build up rather complex queries in a progressive fashion.

New data release of spectra and catalogue from the VANDELS ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey

Published: 24 Sep 2018

VANDELS  is a deep Public Spectroscopic Survey of high-redshift galaxies with the VIMOS spectrograph. It is designed to exploit the multi-wavelength imaging and near-IR grism spectroscopy available in the CANDELS UDS and CDFS fields. The goal is to obtain spectra with sufficient signal-to-noise ratio to derive metallicities and velocity offsets for absorption and emission lines independently, allowing a detailed investigation of the physics of galaxies in the early Universe. Within an area of 0.2 deg2,  the survey aims at delivering more than 2500 high signal-to-noise (=15-20) spectra of star forming galaxies in the redshift range 2.5 < z< 5.5 and passive galaxies in the redshift range  1.5 < z < 2.5.

Enhanced Data Discovery Services for the ESO Science Archive

Published: 29 Jun 2018

We are delighted to announce new capabilities and user services to enhance data discovery and usage in the face of the increasing volume and complexity of the archive holdings:

Second data release of the Large Early Galaxy Census (LEGA-C) Public Spectroscopic Survey now available via the ESO Science Archive

Published: 22 Jun 2018

The LEGA-C ESO Public Spectroscopic Survey conducted at the VLT with the VIMOS multi-object spectrograph selects its target galaxies from the UltraVISTA catalogue in the 1.6 deg2 area of the COSMOS field and obtains deep, high resolution spectra from which the kinematics and stellar population parameters of the galaxies are extracted.

APICAM all-sky images from Paranal available in the Archive

Published: 04 Apr 2018

Since March 2018, ApiCam-3 acquires all-sky images from Paranal. They are now available in the Science Archive.

ApiCam-3 has a science-grade 4k x 4k KAF-16803 CCD mounted behind a Canon 12 -mm focal length fish-eye lens providing a 180deg diameter field-of-view, resulting in a 160 arcsec pixel. The instrument is equipped with a filter wheel (although currently the observation sequence uses only a clear "luminance" filter), and is mounted on a tracking station ensuring that the stars are not trailed. The filter sequence and exposure time sequences are likely to evolve over time. Apicam-3 is installed on the roof of the VLTI building on the Paranal platform; it is part of the outreach instrument which also provides deep colour JPG images, to be used in the ESO Supernova and other planetariums, and are available on the ESO webcam page. ApiCam-3 was built by Apical Technologies.

ApiCam-3 is not meant as a replacement of the existing MASCOT all-sky camera (which is scheduled for an upgrade), and is not "operation-critical", meaning its availability is not guaranteed. Nevertheless, we are planning to use its data to test and develop various sky characterization tools. These data could also be useful to spot bright transients.

The data can be retrieved from the usual interface, selecting APICAM as the instrument in the "Other" category.


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