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ESO/MVM data reduction software release - NEW: with step-by-step instructions for VLT/ISAAC image data reduction

Published: 28 Feb 2008

ESO/MVM (or "alambic") is an end-to-end, high-throughput image reduction system, originally developed by Benoit Vandame at the Nice Observatory for a project based on Multi-resolution Vision Model (MVM), then as part of the ESO Imaging Survey (EIS) project, and finally it was taken over by the Virtual Observatory Systems department for the processing of targeted archival data, with the aim of enhancing the legacy value of the ESO archive. ESO/MVM allows seamless processing of optical and near-IR data (e.g. WFI, VIMOS, FORS2, ISAAC, SOFI, HAWKI). It was developed over 10 years, it incudes 171,000 lines of code and was the engine at the core of the EIS data processing and other ESO public surveys, such as GOODS/ISAAC. The software package released here replaces a previous and now obsolete public version of MVM (v1.0.1). The latest stable version (v1.3.5) includes significant algorithmic improvements, bug fixes, new configuration files extending its application to more ESO instruments. The software is maintained only on a best-effort basis.

GOODS/VIMOS Spectroscopy Data Release: Version 1.0

Published: 21 Feb 2008

As part of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), multi-object spectroscopy of faint galaxies in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) has been carried out, using the VIMOS instrument mounted at the Melipal Unit Telescope of the VLT at ESO's Cerro Paranal Observatory, Chile.

MAD Science Demonstration Data Release

Published: 06 Feb 2008

The Science Demonstration (SD) of MAD is carried out largely following the philosophy applied to the Science Verification of the VLT instruments (see the VLT Science Verification Policy and Procedures document as reference). MAD SD runs took place in November 2007 and January 2008.

Monitor NGC 2547 data release: Version 1.0

Published: 21 Jan 2008

As part of the Monitor project (Aigrain et al. 2007, MNRAS, 375, 29), a time-domain survey of NGC 2547 was carried out in I-band using the ESO Wide Field Imager mounted on the 2.2m telescope at La Silla, Chile. The survey covers two fields, or ~0.6 sq. deg, observed as adjacent WFI pointings, with a small overlap (~10%). The majority of the survey consists of the I-band time-domain component, observed with a cadence of ~7 minutes. Exposures in V and R bands were also obtained during photometric conditions and good seeing, to produce colour-magnitude diagrams.

30 Doradus/WFI data release

Published: 27 Dec 2007

This data release includes broad band and narrow band imaging of a one-square degree region around the 30 Doradus complex in the Large Magellanic Cloud. These data products are based on observations carried out by Joao Alves, Benoit Vandame and Yuri Bialetski with the Wide Field Imager (WFI) at the 2.2m telescope on La Silla (Programme ID 076.C-0888).

GOODS/FORS2 Final Data Release: Version 3.0

Published: 07 Nov 2007

As part of the Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS), multi-object, optical to NIR spectroscopy in the Chandra Deep Field South (CDF-S) has been carried out, using the FORS2 instrument mounted at the Kueyen Unit Telescope of the VLT at ESO's Cerro Paranal Observatory, Chile.

HAWK-I Science Verification

Published: 01 Nov 2007

The science verification (SV) for HAWK-I is being carried following the VLT Science Verification Policy and Procedures .

zCOSMOS DR1 Advanced Data Products now available

Published: 30 Oct 2007

zCOSMOS (P.I. Simon Lilly) is a large redshift survey that is being undertaken in the COSMOS field using the VIMOS spectrograph mounted at the Melipal Unit Telescope of the VLT at ESO's Cerro Paranal Observatory, Chile. zCOSMOS (ESO Large Programme LP175.A-0839) has been awarded about 600 hours of Service Mode observing time on the ESO VLT, making it the largest single observing project undertaken so far on that facility.

APEX observing logs and CLASS files for APEX-2A/FLASH now available as tar files

Published: 30 Oct 2007

This form provides access to observations performed with APEX since July, 11 2005 that are stored on-line in the Science Archive Facility in Garching. To request data you have to register as an ESO/ST-ECF Archive user. A request can be submitted following the instructions in the results table.

CRIRES instrument specific query form is now available

Published: 23 Oct 2007

This form provides access to observations performed with CRIRES that are stored on-line in the Science Archive Facility in Garching. To request data you have to register as an ESO/ST-ECF Archive user.

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