The Venus Transit 2004
... Photos (71-80)
On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive , photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day" .
All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.
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Venus' Phases [Montage] [400 x 348 pix - 9k]
Hans-Göran Lindberg Newton 254 120/2602mm Mintron MS-168EP April 8 to May 10, 2004 Kärrbo Observatory Skultuna, Sweden More images at this site | Venus' Crescent [640 x 480 pix - 205k]
David Nunes Sony Digital Camera SDC-P72 3 x Optical Zoom (Nocturne mode) March 24, 2004 Mira, Portugal |
The Sun (Full Field) [800 x 600 pix - 42k]
Jan Vesely Maksutov-Cassegrain f/15; f = 150 mm Canon EOS 300D camera Baader Astro Solar filter May 12, 2004 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic More images at this site | The Sun (Single Image) [3072 x 2048 pix - 754k]
Jan Vesely Maksutov-Cassegrain f/15; f = 150 mm Canon EOS 300D camera Baader Astro Solar filter May 12, 2004 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic More images at this site |
The Sun (Full Resolution) [800 x 600 pix - 79k]
Jan Vesely Maksutov-Cassegrain f/15; f = 150 mm Canon EOS 300D camera Baader Astro Solar filter May 12, 2004 Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic More images at this site | Venus' Disc [320 x 240 pix - 14k]
Dave Lills Shannonside Astronomy Club 12-inch Meade Schmidt Cassegrain Lx200 Philips Toucam Pro camera [Combining 150 images] March 5, 2004 Limerick, Ireland |
Venus and the Moon [2272 x 1704 pix - 704k]
Raymond Kneip Canon G2 - 100 ASA March 22, 2004, 21:02 UT Mondercange, Luxembourg | Venus' Hot Surface (IR) [975 x 351 pix - 61k]
Christophe Pellier - Club Miranda 14-inch SCT; IR-filter (~1 µm) 20 - 50 exposures of 10 seconds each [Overexposed crescent; the part of the disc that is not illuminated by the Sun is well visible at this wavelength due to thermal emission from hot surface] May 12, 2004 France More images at this site |
Venus' Disc [424 x 307 pix - 29k]
Tamás Ladányi Planet Observers' Network, Hungarian Astronomical Association 250/3550 C; webcamera February 20, 2004, 17:04 UT Hungary | Venus' Disc [384 x 277 pix - 30k]
Tamás Ladányi Planet Observers' Network, Hungarian Astronomical Association 250/3550 C; webcamera March 6, 2004, 17:06 UT Hungary |
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