The Venus Transit 2004
... How to Prepare Yourself for the Day of the Transit (2)!
To start with...NOW!
Here are some first issues and topics to think about.
Where will you be on June 8?
It is already high time to consider what you intend to do on the "DAY OF THE TRANSIT" . Will you be at work, in your office or outside in fresh air, with an unobstructed view of the sky in the direction of the Sun? Will you have access to an internet connection, or will you have a TV-set or a radio within reach? Will you be alone or in a group of other people, with your family or with your friends?
Are you already off to a well-deserved holiday, away from your home town? Indeed, at which geographical location will you be? How much time do you expect to spend on this, a few minutes or several hours?
Where is the transit visible?
In any case, don't forget to check on WHETHER AND WHEN THE VENUS TRANSIT WILL BE VISIBLE FROM WHERE YOU ARE ON JUNE 8. For this, you may consult the geographical map with the ZONE OF VISIBILITY that is included in Brief InfoSheet B1. Moreover, the EXACT TIMES OF THE TRANSIT AS SEEN FROM VARIOUS CITIES are available in this table. Don't forget that those times are listed in Universal Time (UT) and must be corrected to get your Local Time (add 2 hours to UT to get Central European Summer Time, which is applicable in most European countries on that date).
Your own observations?
Have you thought of making your OWN OBSERVATIONS, acccording to the easy-to-follow prescriptions given at this website?
If you plan to watch the transit in the sky, read the SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS and do not forget to procure OFFICIALLY CERTIFIED PROTECTIVE GLASSES for yourself (and your family and/or friends)! Your local optician may help you and so may the amateur astronomer group (or planetarium or science center) in your area.
Did you consider participating in the VT-2004 Observing Campaign? It is still time to register!
Join the Video Contest?
Did you consider to join the VT-2004 VIDEO COMPETITION? Would you like to enter the final round, travel to Paris in early November 2004 and perhaps win one of the attractive prizes? Then you better start now - the deadline for delivery of your entry is September 15, 2004.
At the school
Will you be at school - has the teacher made arrangements for your class to watch the transit on June 8? There is still time (barely, though) to do this and have a great school event. Look at the page for Students and Teachers - the Teachers' Guide (Word) may come in handy now.
If you have questions in this context, you may contact the organisers via email at vt-2004@eso.org or post them on the VT-2004 FORUM.