The Venus Transit 2004
... Photos (41-50)
On this and the other pages in the VT-2004 Photo Archive , photos are displayed which are related to Venus, the Sun and/or the Venus Transit. They were obtained in many different places. Some of these photos were elected "VT 2004 Photo of the Day" .
All photos on this page may be downloaded and used, provided the photographers (authors) and the VT-2004 programme are indicated as source.
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The Moon Three Degrees from Venus [620 x 768 pix - 256k] | Créac'h and Venus [1024 x 768 pix - 320k] |
Venus over Vitosha Mountain [800 x 630 pix - 59k] | Venus in the Evening Sky [800 x 630 pix - 54k] |
The Moon and the Earth's Shadow [800 x 532 pix - 164k] | Venus' Crescent Getting Slimmer [338 x 432 pix - 30k] |
Venus over Spa, Belgium [800 x 600 pix - 108k] | Moon and Venus [728 x 1024 pix - 160k] |
Venus, the Pleiades, Mars and the Hyades [1000 x 623 pix - 108k] | Penumbral Lunar eclipse [1024 x 681 pix - 160k] |