The Venus Transit 2004
... Video Clips
This page contains video clips obtained during the Venus Transit.
Note also the various animations which are available at the VT-2004 website.
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Venus and ISS transits [Quick Time - 640 x 480 pix - 0:16 min - 1.3M]
Tomás Maruska [ ATM Slovakia] Rubinar 5.6/500 + Baader Astro Solar filter web camera Philips TouCam Pro June 8, 2004 - 11:09:18 Slovakia Wonderful capture of the fleeting transit of the International Space Station during the Venus Transit. You may have to replay the movie to see the ISS passing by! See also the corresponding photo. | Venus during Ingress [Quick Time - 256 x 256 pix - 0:43 min - 3.3M]
Bringfried Stecklum [ Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg] Canon PowerShot S1 IS - 10x Zoom June 8, 2004 Thüringer, Germany [2200 images taken in continuous shooting mode, covering about 17 minutes. The image orientation seems a bit strange due to the field rotation needed to keep the solar image well centred all the time.] |
Venus during Egress [Quick Time - 256 x 256 pix - 0:34 min - 2.5M]
Bringfried Stecklum [ Thüringer Landessternwarte Tautenburg] Canon PowerShot S1 IS - 10x Zoom June 8, 2004 Thüringer, Germany [1800 images taken in continuous shooting mode, covering about 17 minutes.] | Venus during Egress [Quick Time - 320 x 240 pix - 5:20 min - 13.5M]
Stanescu Octavian & Doru Dragan [ ALTAIR club] June 8, 2004 Timisoara, Romania 45.7345 N, 21.2236E Computer captured video, camera in focus of a 10 cm mirror / 80 cm focus solar telescope |
Venus during First/Second Contacts [Quick Time - 479 x 299 pix - 0:28 min - 5.3M]
Thomas Strehl June 8, 2004 Germany [Newton 8" F4.4 with Philips Toucam. 32 avi's of 55sec at 5 frames/sec at 1min clocking] | Venus Path on the Sun [Quick Time - 500 x 375 pix - 0:17 min - 3.9M]
Thomas Strehl June 8, 2004 Germany [300mm F4.5 Tele with 2x and Mintron VideoCCD Camera. 72 avi's of 4 sec at 25 frames/sec at 5min clocking] |
Venus and ISS Transits [Quick Time - 672 x 545 pix - 0:01 min - 679k]
Thomas Strehl June 8, 2004 Germany [300mm F4.5 Tele with 2x and Mintron VideoCCD Camera. 10 frames at 25 frames/sec.]
| Venus Transit (Ingress) [MPEG - 375 x 288 pix - 0:03 min - 438k]
Herbert Raab [ Linzer Astronomische Gemeinschaft] 100-mm f/9 flourite refractor Solar Max 60 H-alpha filter Mintron 12V1C-EX B/W video camera [Thirty-one 30-sec video sequences were processed with Registrax software and then combined into the video] June 8, 2004 Linz, Austria |
Venus Moves Across the Sun [WMV - 640 x 480 pix - 0:28 min - 795k]
Leif Møller et al. June 8, 2004 Sønderborg, Denmark
More information is available here. | |
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