Controlling SUSI2

Starting up

You should be logged on to wemmi. Starting from the pop-up menu (on vue), you will get the Instrument Start-up panel.

Selecting SUSI will produce the Instrument Configuration panel that allows you to configure how you wish to run the instrument (i.e. the degree of simulation; whether you wish to use the PCO on the instrument workstation etc. etc.). This panel will disappear when SUSI2 starts up.

While the start-up is taking place a history window will appear with information regarding the start-up. Any error messages will be shown there. Once SUSI2 has started up, the SUSI2 OS panel will be present. The SUSI2 OS control panel provides all necessary functionality to take single images in stand-alone mode. Multiple or complex exposures should be executed using BOB.

When starting up the state of the system is not initialized. In the pull down menu marked System you can select STANDBY and ONLINE in that sequence. Wait for each to complete. The ONLINE command will also move the SUSI2 M4 mirror into the beam which takes some time.

The SUSI2 functions are all controlled via the SET-UP button. When you change something in the user interface you will have to click on SET-UP. You can configure the SUSI2 exposures to be biases, darks, flat fields or calibration exposures. In most cases this simply changes some FITS keywords which makes it possible for the pipeline to follow the data downstream.

Displaying the SUSI2 data.

The SUSI2 ccd is monitored using the SUSI2 real time display (rtd) . Although you can start any real time display (rtd) and connect to SUSI2, certain acquisition templates require that the real time display write a file. Therefore you should start the SUSI2 camera real time display. This is normally done from the pop-up menu (on vue). More detailed information is given in CCD Software section.

Monitoring SUSI2 from another terminal.

If you wish to have a summary of the SUSI2 activities then you may start the SUSI2 monitor panel from the pop-up menu (on vue).

Running stand-alone

The SUSI2 OS does require a filename to be given. In the user interface this name is defaulted to susi which means your data (in /insroot/SYSTEM/DETDATA) will be called susi.fits, susi0.fits, susi1.fits,.... Note that when running from BOB the data are named after the template used to acquire them (SOT01.fits, SOT010.fits, SOT011.fits,....).

Changing filters and readout speeds is done using standard 3 state buttons. Unlike the TCS 3-state buttons the SUSI2 ones are not activated by their label but rather by clicking on SET-UP.

The expoId

This parameter of the SET-UP command requires some special attention. Each exposure within the OS is uniquely identified by an expoId number. This number is returned when a SET-UP is started using the expoId 0 (zero). When the OS sees an expoId 0 then it assumes there is a new exposure to be configured and executed (some time later). The OS is configured to handle up to 4 simultaneous exposures. Any subsequent set-ups that are relevant to that exposure should be identified with that same expoId number.

So the first set-up would have (for example)

SETUP -expoId 0 -function INS.FILT1 B#639

reply: 898


SETUP -expoId 898 -function DET.WIN1.UIT1 100

then to start the exposure


START returns immediately. For the OS to then wait for the completion of the exposure before releasing the expoId 0 critical number the following command is given


When running from BOB a time-out is given to the wait command. It is BOB that is waiting for the WAIT to return.

Setting SUSI2 up.

To perform the SUSI2 set-up the only thing to be done is to specify which filter is in which position in the wheel. To do this the SUSI2 configuration panel should be started on the pop-up menu (on vue).

By selecting the position you wish to configure and clicking on MOVETOLOAD the filter wheel will position the requested position into the load location. You may then change the filter in that location. If the filter is a standard one then its name will also appear under the option menu with the label filter name. Once selected there the name will also appear in the entry field for special filters. By clicking on ENTER you can update the database for that filter location with the name selected. Filter names must not contain spaces and must be the same in BOB and the SUSI2 OS.