The Venus Transit 2004
... VT-2004 Network Members in France
Here is a list of educational institutions, organisations, associations, planetaria, astronomy clubs, etc. in France , which are officially associated with the VT-2004 programme. From here there are also weblinks to their respective websites where you can learn more about the related activities in this country.
This page is being updated as more partners join the VT-2004 network. If your educational organisation plans activities in connection with the Venus Transit on June 8, 2004, and wishes to join the VT-2004 network, please send an email with the name and address, together with information about those activities as well as your URL for the link from the present page, to the VT-2004 programme organisers at vt-2004@eso.org .
VT-2004 Nodes
- Unité Formation-Enseignement de l'Observatoire de Paris
- Unité Formation-Enseignement de l'Observatoire de Paris
- Observatoire des Makes - Ile de la Réunion
Other VT-2004 Network Members
- Association Andromede - Marseille
- Association des Planetariums de Langue Francaise
- Cité de l'espace - Paris
- Amateur Group - Coutances (Normandie) [Birthtown of Le Gentil de la Galaisière, who observed the Venus Transits in 1761 and 1769 from Pondicherry, India]
- Club Astronomique "Eclipse" - Paris
- Asscociation Copernic - GAP Astronomie (Hautes Alpes)
- Club Astronomique de la Region Lilloise (CARL)
- Observatoire de Strasbourg - Strasbourg
- Palais de l'Univers - Planétarium - Cappelle la Grande
- VEGA Association - Plaisir
- Project CALAS, Observatoire du Pic du Midi
- Association Française d'Astronomie - Paris
- Palais de la Découverte - Paris
- Club Samauritain d'Astronomie Orion - Saint Maurice l'Exil (Isére)
- Ecole Superieure d'Optique - Pole de Saint Etienne
- Observatoire de Haute-Provence
- Association Reunionnaise pour l'Etude du Ciel Austral (ARECA) - St. Paul, Ile de Reunion