Mercury Transit on May 7, 2003 Central Display and Webcam... We are online with you during the entire event DO NOT FORGET THAT IT IS DANGEROUS TO OBSERVE THE SUN WITHOUT SPECIAL PROTECTION! The only completely safe way is to project an image of the sun on a white surface (for instance, a piece of paper or cardboard). Latest Information (May 7, 07:52 hrs CEST -- 05:52 hrs UT) The transit is now going on smoothly. Images are updated every minute on the webcam of ESO. Mercury can be seen as a small dot at around 1 o'clock. Observe also the sunspot at the bottom of the image.  | Image in white light taken from the Observatoire de Paris with the Lunette Fluorite. The weather is also nice is Paris. | previous images... 1 2 3 4
Recent Images Here is a collection of recent images obtained in different places. |
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