Table of Contents
I. Changes in Libraries and Librarians' Tasks
- I. A. Mastering New Roles
- I. B. Panel: Physical vs. Electronic Libraries
II. The Astronomy Information Network
- II. A. Networking among Astronomy Librarians
- II. B. Virtual Observatory projects
III. Electronic Publications: Trends, Collaborations and Models-
IV. Preservation and History of Astronomy-
V. Panel: Developing Nations-
VI. New Tools and Perspectives
- VI. A. Bibliometrics
- VI. B. New Tools, Knowledge Discovery
VII. Astronomy Users -
VIII. Posters
- Mining the Web: How Useful is the Global Public Library?
R. Albrecht and P. B. Boyce
- Professional Astronomy without a Librarian
H. Andernach
- The Information Resources in Arcetri Astrophysics Observatory: Between Metadata and Semantic Web
R. Baglioni and A. Gasperini
- Analysis of the Publication Pattern of Radio Astronomers from india during 1990-2001
S. Barve and Gopal Krishna
- Lowell Observatory Archives Image Database
A. Beiser, P. Houlahan, E. Nettell, and A. Stone
- The Cost and the Use of Serials in Italian Astronomical Libraries
F. Brunetti, M. Marra, E. Olostro Cirella, and L. Schiavone
- Document Delivery and Interlibrary Loan in INAF Libraries: A Proposal
F. Brunetti and F. Martines
- The Ancient Book Collection of the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory: Iconography Online
I. S. Cecere, E. Olostro Cirella, and E. Stendardo
- Communicating and Networking by Astronomy Librarians
M. Cummins and U. Grothkopf
- T-REX is not Lord but Mate in Information Land
T. Dorokhova and N. Dorokhov
- The Historical Archive of the Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory: Antonio and Giorgio Abetti Archive
A. Gasperini and R. Baglioni
- Annual Reports of Observatories
U. Grothkopf and E. Bryson
- Astronomy Library in a Small Country - A Rare Species
E. Isaksson
- The Pulkovo Observatory Library Develops Electronic Services
N. Markova
- Investigation of Metadata Applications at Palermo Astronomical Observatory
F. Martines and F. Morale
- A Comparative Study of the Distribution of Authors of the "Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica" with the Application of the Lotka Law
V. Mata-Acosta and M. E. Jiménez-Fragozo
- The Argentinian Astronomers and their Resistance to Change
E. F. Nievas
- An Astronomical Library at Large
E. Olostro Cirella, P. Paura, M. Gargano, and M. T. Fulco
- The Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory Historical Archive: A Multipurpose Tool
E. Olostro Cirella
- The Set of Brochures on Comets in the Pulkovo Observatory Library
E. Potter
- Free Online Resources on Rare and Antique Books in Astronomy
D. Randazzo
- Evolution of the AAO Library
S. Ricketts
- Astrophysics Production in INSU until 2000: What Image is Conveyed by the Los Alamos and ADS Databases?
N. Robert
- The Information Professional at Crossroads
K. C. Satpathy
- The Library of Odessa Astronomical Observatory
T. V. Shevchuk
- Educational Resources on Supernovae for Children
J. T. Struck
- Gothard Astrophotographic Plate Library: Digitization and Archiving of the Original Plates taken by Eugen von Gothard at the End of the XIXth Century
I. J. Vincze, I. Jankovics, and J. Kovács
Author Index
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