WFI Filter Configuration Instructions
General Information
In order to keep track of the changes made to the WFI filter wheel configuration we wil l keep this web based log, everytime someone from the team perfor ms a change he/she MUST inform Linda Schmidtobreick.
Once a change is made to the filter configuration there are three places where such a change might need to be reflected:
- The actual change in the WFI filter wheel if the change involves a physical change of position, or adding a new filter, or removing an existing one.
- The OS GUI filter enginering panel where the mapping between filter names and filter wheel slot is made.
- The WFI.isf file of the WFI p2pp instrument package. This file lists the names of all the available filters. The master WFI.isf file resides in the wfotm module archived in garching. The module can be retrieved using the instruction cmmCopy wfotm from inside the directory CURRENTLY_MOD of the wfi user at w2p2ins. There are three places where this file needs to be installed:
- w2p2ins, in the directory /vlt/insroot/SYSTEM/COMMON/CONFIGFILES
- w2p2oh, in the instruments/WFI directory of the /home/instmgr/instruments
- instrument package distributed to users.
The following kind of interventions are foreseen:
Open the Filter Setup Configuration panel from OS Panel->maintenance-> Filter Setup
change the values needed in the panel
press Apply to apply the changes in the DB and generate the backup files
press Install if you want that the chosen configuration will be persistent between instrument re-starts
press Print and the place the hard copy of the new configuration in the proper folder at the 2.2 control room.
press Quit button to close the panel
FTP the new file (~wfi/FILTERS/filt_
.dat) to meli, cd /2p2T/E2p2M/WFI/technical/filters/ -
Update web page, making the necessary modifications in the table of filter configuration modifications.
Send an e-mail to the team: e.g.mailx -s "New Filter Configuration" < fil t_02Dec2001.dat
If you need to restore any given configuration do the following:
Open the Filter Setup Configuration panel from OS Panel->maintenance-> Filter Setup
press the Load Configuration button (If no backup files are displayed, make sure that the Search Path in the File Selection Dialog is in "Other") and chose the desired backup
press Install to make the changes permanent
After changing a filter configuration.
To avoid major mishaps with the Filter Configuration we have "hardwired" in the bias template (executed every day) a check for a particular filter at a particular slot in the filter wheel. This only spots errors in the configuration of the OS GUI, and not the actual physical filter at the slot. The instructions below are for changing filter BB#I/203_ESO879 from slot 30 to slot 10.
1.-In the machine w2p2ins, as usr wfimgr (password ask SWC), within the directory CURRENTLY_MOD do: cmmModify -l fselman wfotm. This will bring the wfotm module for modification (make sure that there is no directory wfotm before making the above invocation).
2.-Once the module finish loading go into the directory wfotm/config/SEQ and edit the file WFI_cal_Darks.seq. Lines 90,91, 92, 93, and 94 in that file read:
Filter at slot 30 \n is $filterAtSlot30 and\n not BB#I/203_ESO879."
This is Tcl. I suggest to just change the number 30 above for the number where the filter BB#I/203_ESO879 will be placed. For example, if the filter is placed at slot 10, the new section of code should bei
Filter at slot 30 \n is $filterAtSlot30 and\n not BB#I/203_ESO879."
3.-After this you should go to the directory wfotm/src and do the command make clean man all install. After this the new module is installed and can be tested by doing a bias. If it does not complain then the change took effect.
4.-Finally, the module should be archived. First go to the directory wfotm and edit the file ChangeLog adding the change you just made (and identify yourself). Then go back one directory so you are now in CURRENTLY_MOD. From there issue the command:
> cmmArchive -l fselman wfotm "New P70 module. Modified WFI_cal_dark after changing filter configuration"
How to update WFI.isf and propagate changes.
The WFI.isf file contains the names of the filters recognized by the observing software. While the OS GUI translates names to slot positions in the filter wheel, the WFI.isf file make the recognized names public to the ESO astronomical community making those names public through the instrument package released for a given period. This means that the WFI.isf file should not be changed within a period, or else there might be programs which request a filter whose name is not recognized in the new file. THUS, any mayor overhaul can only be done for the start of a new period.
Once a change to WFI.isf has been decided, the proper way to accomplish the change is to use the cmmModify instruction to obtain the wfotm module, and modify the file there. It is located in the directory config/CONFIGFILES of the wfotm module.
Once the module has been modified it must be archived. After this it needs to be copied to the workstations w2p2ins and w2p2oh.
To install module at w2p2ins:
- Log in w2p2ins as user wfimgr
- Change to directory CURRENTLY_MOD
- If the module wfotm is not in CURRENTLY_MOD enter cmmCopy wfotm Version, where version is the version number of the appropriate module.
- Once the module is copied into CURRENTLY_MOD, change to the subdirectory wfotm/src, and in that subdirectory enter the instruction: make clean all man install, the new WFI.isf file, together with everything else will be overwriten (including the focusMode.state file).
To install at w2p2oh:
- Login as user instmgr and change to directory instruments.
- Once in the instruments directory ftp to w2p2ins as user wfimgr and change directory to CURRENTLY_MOD/wfotm/config/CONFIGFILES, and retrieve the file WFI.isf.
- As instmgr run p2pp once and check that the changed filter names are reflected in the observation definition filter pull-down menu.
To create a new instrument package:
Create a tar archive named IP-PXX-YYYY-MM-DD.tar, where XX is the period number. The files that go in the package are all the.tsf files from wfotm/config/TSF and wfotm/config/CONFIGFILES/WFI.isf.
NOTE: Any physical change in the filter wheel has to be documented on a sheet of paper, stating every position and filter in the wheel. Please place this sheet in the Filter Control folder. It is advisable to perform this task between two people.CMM Archiving Instructions for TIOS:
At the w2p2ins do the following: dbBackup -c "@w2p2wfi:icsws:" -n filter -o filt_ 25Mar2002.dat
At the wlsops2 and on your individual account do the following: cmmModify -l *us er* e2p2ops
ftp to wlsops2 the newly created file (Filter.dat), do a cd CURRENTLY_MOD/e2p2ops /src
Rename the file you've just FTP'ed to Filter.dat
Fill in the ChangeLog (use emacs).
Then do a: cmmArchive -l *user* e2p2ops *small comment*
NOTE: DO NOT hesitate to call SWC for CMM assistance if you run into trouble.
This small procedure will prevent us from loosing the latest Filter version after a SWC intervention.
NOTE: From the OS GUI panel and at the Filter Configuration Panel you can Create a File and then you can print it out as a way to compare the actual Data Base to the official OS DB (something could have gone wrong and you may end up using the WRONG data base. This means using the wrong filters).
When you save the filter list (by clicking on "Create File") two files are generated:
A human readable file, which default name is filt_ddmmmyyyy.txt, e.g. filt_28mar2002.txt.
A file that is readable by the filter data base, which default name is filt_ddmmmyyyy.dat e.g. filt_28apr2002.dat. The former is the file generated by the command dbBackup -c "@w2p2wfi:" -n filter -o "filt_28apr2002.dat"
These two files by default go to /home/wfi/ on the w2p2ins.
Filter interventions | |
If you do this: | then this has to be done: |
Filter change position in filter wheel, but there is no change of name. | Update OS GUI. Save filter database point, following instructions below. |
Filter changes name. | Update OS GUI. Update filter database point. Update WFI.isf and propagate changes according to instructions below. |
New filters added to the wheel, or removed. | Perform change on WFI filter wheel. Make handwriten log at filter wheel. Update OS GUI using previous log. Save filter database point. Update WFI.isf and propagate changes. |
How to update the OS GUI
This has to be done at the w2p2ins workstation. In the e2p2 OS GUI panel click the Maintanance pull down menu and choose the Filter Setup submenu. A panel will appear with a table of entries for slot number, type of filter radio button (BB,MB, or NB), name of filter, ESO number, and filter offset. Edit the necessary entries in this panel, and then click OK.
How to save and restore filter database point.
As user wfi at the w2p2ins workstation: