ESOcast 45: Reaching Out — Special 50th anniversary episode #5
ESOcast 45 -- Reaching Out -- is the fifth special episode of this series. In it we focus on ESO's mission of curiosity, wonder and inspiration, proclaimed through cooperation and outreach. Indeed, cooperation has always been the basis for ESO's success, ever since the organisation was founded fifty years ago. Together, ESO's Member States enable the best possible astronomical science at the world's largest observatories. ESO also works closely with industry, universities and research institutes around the world in developing state-of-the-art technologies. Furthermore, through engagement with the public, ESO provides countless ways to participate in the discovery of the cosmos, inviting everyone to join this exciting adventure.
More episodes of the ESOcast are also available.
Directed by: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Art Direction, Production Design: Martin Kornmesser
Producer: Herbert Zodet
Written by: Govert Schilling
3D animations and graphics: Martin Kornmesser & Luis Calçada
Editing: Martin Kornmesser
Cinematography: Herbert Zodet & Peter Rixner
Sound engineer: Cristian Larrea
Narration Mastering: Peter Rixner
Host & Lead Scientist: Dr J (Dr Joe Liske, ESO)
Narration: Sara Mendes da Costa
Soundtrack & Sound Effects: movetwo — Axel Kornmesser & Markus Löffler, zero-project (
Proof reading: Anne Rhodes
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Footage and photos: ESO, Stéphane Guisard (, Christoph Malin (, Babak Tafreshi/TWAN, A. Santerne, Martin Kornmesser, J. Dommaget/J. Boulon/J. Doornenbal/W. Schlosser/F.K. Edmondson/A. Blaauw/Rademakers/R. Holder, Mineworks, Daniel Crouch/Rare Books (, Getty Images, Royal Astronomical Society/Science Photo Library, Jay M. Pasachoff, Chris de Coning/South African Library/Warner-Madear, Africana Museum/Warner, Leiden University, G. Brammer, Nick Risinger (, Mauricio Anton/Science Library, José Francisco Salgado (, NASA/Spitzer Science Center/R. Hurt, VISTA/J. Emerson/Digitized Sky Survey 2, MPE/S. Gillessen/M. Schartmann, PIONIER/IPAG, Rainer Lenzen/MPIA Heidelberg, West-Eastern Divan Orchestra in Berlin by KolBerlin, Davide De Martin, Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit, IDA/Danish 1.5 m/R. Gendler and C. Thöne, Mario Nonino, Piero Rosati and the ESO GOODS Team, ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope, Matthias Maercker, Igor Chekalin, H.H. Heyer. E.Janssen, L. Calçada, Kevin Govender, Sergey Stepanenko, ESA, IAU/IYA2009.
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