ESOcast 93 Light: Kick-off for Mirrors and Sensors for Biggest Eye on the Sky (4K UHD)
ESOcast 93 Light takes a quick look at four important contracts that were placed for big parts of ESO's Extremely Large Telescope (ELT) at a ceremony on 18 January 2017 in Garching. The giant telescope is moving forward!
The video is available in 4K UHD.
Visual Design and Editing: Martin Kornmesser and Luis Calçada.
Editing: Herbert Zodet.
Web and technical support: Mathias André and Raquel Yumi Shida.
Written by: Thomas Barratt, Lauren Fuge, Oana Sandu & Richard Hook.
Music: tonelabs (
Footage and photos: ESO, L. Calçada and ACe Consortium.
Directed by: Herbert Zodet.
Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen.