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The entire Large Magellanic Cloud with annotations
This image shows the entire Large Magellanic Cloud, with some of the brightest objects marked. The field of the new MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope image is indicated with an outline. The field of view is about ten degrees across.
Crédit:Robert Gendler/ESO
À propos de l'image
Identification: | eso1021d |
Type: | Collage |
Date de publication: | 1 juin 2010 16:00 |
Communiqués de presse en rapport: | eso1021 |
Taille: | 5000 x 4105 px |
À propos de l'objet
Nom: | Large Magellanic Cloud, LMC |
Type: | Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Irregular |
Distance: | 180000 années lumière |
Catégorie: | Galaxies |