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Wide-field view of the sky around NGC 253
This image is a colour composite made from exposures from the Digitized Sky Survey 2 (DSS2). The field of view is approximatelly 3.7 x 3.6 degrees. The galaxy NGC 253 appears at the centre of the picture and the globular star cluster NGC 288 at the lower left. The cluster is orbiting the Milky Way and is much closer to us than NGC 253, which lies about eleven million light-years from Earth.
Bildnachweis:ESO/Digitized Sky Survey 2. Acknowledgment: Davide De Martin.
Über das Bild
ID: | eso1152c |
Typ: | Beobachtung |
Veröffentlichungsdatum: | 15. Dezember 2011 12:00 |
Dazugehörige Veröffentlichungen: | eso1152 |
Größe: | 13412 x 12897 px |
Über das Objekt
Name: | NGC 253 |
Typ: | Local Universe : Galaxy : Activity : Starburst |
Entfernung: | 11 Million Lichtjahre |
Constellation: | Sculptor |
Kategorie: | Galaxies |
Position (RA): | 0 47 11.99 |
Position (Dec): | -25° 18' 35.61" |
Field of view: | 227.99 x 219.24 arcminutes |
Orientierung: | Die Nordrichtung liegt 0.1° links zur Vertikale |
Farben & Filter
Spektralbereich | Teleskop |
Optisch B | Digitized Sky Survey 2 |
Optisch R | Digitized Sky Survey 2 |