Galaxy cluster Abell 370
This is a J band image (1.25 micron) of the galaxy cluster Abell 370 (A370; redshift z = 0.375), obtained in 'jitter' mode, showing the famous gravitational arc just below the centre. The observations consisted of 24 exposures of 2 min each, made on randomly generated telescope positions within a sky region of 30 x 30 arcsec. The individual exposures have been sky subtracted using a running average determined from the same data and then re-centred and combined. The scale is 0.29 arcsec/pixel; the field is about 5 x 5 arcmin with North at the top and East to the left. The seeing was less optimal, about 1.2 arcsec. A J = 22 mag point source yields a signal-to-noise ratio of 4 within a 3 arcsec diameter aperture.
Sobre la imagen
Identificador: | eso9805d |
Tipo: | Observación |
Fecha de publicación: | 29 de Enero de 1998 |
Noticias relacionadas: | eso9805 |
Tamaño: | 510 x 509 px |
Sobre el objeto
Nombre: | Abell 370 |
Tipo: | Early Universe : Galaxy : Grouping : Cluster |
Distancia: | z=0.375 (desplazamiento al rojo) |
Constellation: | Cetus |
Categoría: | Galaxy Clusters |
Fondo de pantalla
Position (RA): | 2 39 50.49 |
Position (Dec): | -1° 35' 8.21" |
Field of view: | 4.92 x 4.91 arcminutes |
Orientación: | El norte está a 0.2° a la izquierda de la vertical |
Colores y filtros
Banda | Longitud de onda | Telescopio |
Infrarrojo J | 1.25 μm | New Technology Telescope SOFI |