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Interferometry - Mona Lisa observed with antennas at different separations
How the Mona Lisa would look like when observed with antennas at different separations. The further they are, the finer the details they can resolve. When the antennas are too far away (right panel) diffuse extended structures can no longer be seen.
Créditos:ESO/J. C. Muñoz-Mateos. Simulation done with friendlyVRI (C. R. Purcell & R. Truelove).
Sobre a imagem
Id: | monalisa-antenna-separation |
Tipo: | Montagem |
Data de divulgação: | 5 de Outubro de 2021 às 12:58 |
Tamanho: | 12641 x 7577 px |
Sobre o objeto
Nome: | Interferometry |
Tipo: | Unspecified |
Categoria: | Illustrations |