Pandora’s cluster (VLT view)
This image from ESO’s Very Large Telescope (VLT) at the Paranal Observatory in Chile shows a wide view of the merging galaxy cluster Abell 2744. This object has been nicknamed Pandora’s Cluster because so many different and strange phenomena have been unleashed by a huge collision that occurred over a period of 350 million years. A simultaneous pile-up between at least four separate clusters produced strange effects that have never been seen together before. The VLT data were used to study the distribution of dark matter in this complex cluster.
Crediti:ESO & D. Coe (STScI)/J. Merten (Heidelberg/Bologna)
A proposito dell'immagine
Identificazione: | eso1120b |
Tipo: | Osservazione |
Data di pubblicazione: | Mercoledì 22 Giugno 2011 15:00 |
Notizie relative: | eso1120 |
Dimensione: | 2017 x 2017 px |
A proposito delll'oggetto
Nome: | Abell 2744 |
Tipo: | Early Universe : Galaxy : Grouping : Cluster |
Distanza: | z=0.308 (redshift (spostamento verso il rosso)) |
Constellation: | Sculptor |
Categoria: | Galaxy Clusters |
Formati delle immagini
Position (RA): | 0 14 20.41 |
Position (Dec): | -30° 23' 56.72" |
Field of view: | 6.71 x 6.71 arcminutes |
Orientazione: | Il Nord è a 0.0° a sinistra della verticale |
Colori e filtri
Banda | Telescopio |
Ottico V | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Ottico R | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |
Infrarosso I | Very Large Telescope FORS1 |