Spiral galaxy NGC 1097
It is an almost-true colour composite based on images made with the multi-mode VIMOS instrument on the 8.2-m Melipal (Unit Telescope 3) of ESO's Very Large Telescope. Exposures were taken in three different wavebands which were associated to a given colour : R-band (centred around 652 nm; red), V (540 nm; green) and B (456 nm; blue). The images were taken on the night of December 9 to 10, 2004 in the presence of the President of the Republic of Chile, M. Ricardo Lagos. The observing conditions were very good (seeing well below 1 arcsec). The total exposure was 2.25 min in R, 3 min in V and 6 min in B. The scale is 0.205 arcsec/pix and the image covers a 7.7 x 6.6 arcmin2 region on the sky. All exposures were taken and pre-processed by ESO Paranal Science Operation astronomers. Additional image processing by Henri Boffin (ESO).
A proposito dell'immagine
Identificazione: | eso0438d |
Tipo: | Osservazione |
Data di pubblicazione: | 22 Dicembre 2004 |
Notizie relative: | eso0438 |
Dimensione: | 6592 x 7725 px |
A proposito delll'oggetto
Nome: | NGC 1097 |
Tipo: | Local Universe : Galaxy : Type : Spiral |
Distanza: | 60 Milione Anni luce |
Constellation: | Fornax |
Categoria: | Galaxies |
Formati delle immagini
Position (RA): | 2 46 19.04 |
Position (Dec): | -30° 16' 29.62" |
Field of view: | 6.85 x 7.74 arcminutes |
Orientazione: | Il Nord è a 0.1° a sinistra della verticale |
Colori e filtri
Banda | Lunghezza d'onda | Telescopio |
Ottico B | 456 nm | Very Large Telescope VIMOS |
Ottico V | 540 nm | Very Large Telescope VIMOS |
Ottico R | 652 nm | Very Large Telescope VIMOS |