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Milky Way between UTs
The Milky Way tucks in nicely between the two Unit Telescope (UT) behemoths that make up part of ESO's Very Large Telescope in Chile. As can be seen from the brilliant Milky Way, the skies here are crystal-clear, a result of the lack of light pollution and high altitude.
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Crediti:P. Horálek/ESO
A proposito dell'immagine
Identificazione: | 20160406-mw-vlt-fulldome-eq-cc-ext |
Tipo: | Fotografico |
Data di pubblicazione: | Mercoledì 18 Gennaio 2017 11:51 |
Dimensione: | 23840 x 11920 px |
Field of View: | 360° x 180° |
A proposito delll'oggetto
Nome: | Very Large Telescope |
Tipo: | Unspecified : Technology : Observatory |
Categoria: | 360 Panorama Paranal |