ESOcast 12: VISTA: A Pioneering New Survey Telescope Starts Work
VISTA (the Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy) is a new telescope that has just started work at ESO’s Paranal Observatory in Chile and has made its first release of pictures. VISTA is a survey telescope working at infrared wavelengths and is the world’s largest survey telescope. Its large mirror, wide field of view and very sensitive detectors will reveal a completely new view of the southern sky. Spectacular pictures of the Flame Nebula, the Centre of the Milky Way and the Fornax Galaxy Cluster show that it is working very well.
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Credit:ESO. Acknowledgments: J. Emerson/VISTA/UK ATC. Visual design and editing: Martin Kornmesser. Cinematography: Peter Rixner. Editing: Herbert Zodet. Web and technical support: Lars Holm Nielsen and Raquel Yumi Shida. Written by: Richard Hook and Adam Hadhazy. Host: Dr. J. Narration: Gaitee Hussain. Music: John Dyson from the CD darklight and movetwo. Footage and photos: ESO. Directed by: Herbert Zodet. Executive producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen.
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