The planetarium show "From Earth to the Universe" v2
From Earth to the Universe (now in v2, since 5.8.2016) is the world’s first full-length fulldome planetarium movie freely available for planetarium use. It is released here in high-resolution 4k fulldome format, for the worldwide planetarium community to download and use.
This stunning, 30-minute voyage through time and space conveys, through an arresting combination of sights and sounds, the Universe revealed to us by science. Read more about the movie here. The show was produced for the ESO Supernova Planetarium and Visitor Centre, to be opened in spring 2018, and for the worldwide planetarium community as free highres 4k download. The digital distribution was made possible through a partnership with CDN77.
We encourage the community to produce their own translations and narrations. The script and split audio files are supplied to the right. We welcome receiving copies of the translated scripts and audio files to share with the community.
Due to the large file size please use a download manager. Note the download advice here.
From Earth to the Universe v2 is an improved and updated version of the full-length show directed by Matsopoulos that was made available from 1 August 2016. Version 2 features: improved image quality; higher resolution star maps; new video footage of the Very Large Telescope (VLT) courtesy of the fulldome expedition; a new 3D model of the Milky Way and much more!
The web page of the planetarium show is here.
The trailer is available here: Fulldome English and Flat English. Fulldome German. Flat German.
The poster is available here.
Directed by: Theofanis Matsopoulos
3D Animations and Graphics: Theofanis Matsopoulos, Luis Calçada & Martin Kornmesser
Producer: Theofanis Matsopoulos & European Southern Observatory (ESO)
Planetarium Production: Theofanis Matsopoulos
Executive Producer: Lars Lindberg Christensen
Script and Scientific Advice: Nicolas Matsopoulos, Lars Lindberg Christensen & Anne Rhodes
Main Title Designer: Luis Calçada
Narration: Sara Mendes Da Costa
Audio Mix: Theofanis Matsopoulos
Africaans version produced by the Naval Hill Planetarium of the University of the Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa
- Translators: Léon Snyman, Marike Stander, Matie Hoffman, Magdaleen Schoch
- Narrator: Ella Kotze
- Recorded by Léon Snyman (WellNoted Productions) at the Odeion, Bloemfontein, 2016
German Version by Planetarium Hamburg
- Thomas W. Kraupe (Translator/Director)
- Regina Lemnitz (Narrator)
- Recorded at Primetime Studio, Hamburg, 2015
Greek version
- Eugenides Foundation Planetarium
Czech version was produced by Planetárium Ostrava in 2015
- Czech narration: Markéta Haroková, Lukáš Červenka.
- Translation and recording supervision: Adam Fišer
- Sound supervision and audio post processing: Petr Pokorný
- Consultants: Tomáš Gráf, Kamila Truparová-Plšková , Martin Vilášek, Ivana Marková
- Recorded at Český rozhlas Ostrava.
Russian version was produced by:
- Financial support - Center Valentina Tereshkova (Yaroslavl Planetarium), Yaroslavl, Russia
- Translation - Olga Khusainova, Irkutsk, Russia
- Science editors - Sergei Yazev, Irkutsk Planetarium, Irkutsk, Russia
- Narrator - Julia Gorbacheva, Bryansk, Russia
- Record producer and sound engineer - Andrey Shinkarev, Bryansk, Russia
- Production and project management - Andrey Lobanov, Llc. "Svensons Art Media", Moscow, Russia
Italian version:
- Production: Marc Horat, Verkehrshaus Planetarium, Lucerne
- Audioproduction: Thalmann Sychrontonstudio Lucerne
- Speaker: Christiane De Micheli
- Special thanks to: David Gruber & Luca Ciprari (Planetarium Südtirol/Alto Adige) and Anna Wolter
French version:
- French narration: Vincent Jean Victor
- Translation and recording supervision: Lionel Ruiz, Vincent Jean Victor
- Sound supervision and audio post processing: Lionel Ruiz
- Consultants: Richard Hamou, Kirstin Ruiz, Marie-France Duval, Agnès Acker, Florie Teste, Milène Wendling, Marc Horat, Thierry Botti, Olivier Hainaut
- Recorded at Planetarium de Nantes (Ville de Nantes)
- French version was produced by Association des Planétariums de Langue Française
Romanian version:
- Emil Turcu
Spanish (Castilian) version:
- Production: Marcos Pérez. Museos Científicos Coruñeses
- Audioproduction: Xabier Olite (Son Natural Studio)
- Speaker: Juan Diéguez
- Translation: Álex Cueto, Estíbaliz Espinosa
Spanish (Latin American) version (stereo and surround):
- Production: Sociedad Astronómica de México
- Science Editors: Alejandro Farah and Carolina Keiman
- Project manager and Translation: Gabriela Vargas
- Narrator: Omar López
- Editing and Post production: Luis Sumano
Latin American Spanish Argentina (surround audio and script):
- Production: Planetario Ciudad de La Plata
- Translation and adaptation: Cintia Peri, Pablo Santamaría
- Narrator: Santiago Alcaraz
- Audio Mix: Santiago Alcaraz
Latin American Spanish Chile (stereo audio).
Bulgarian version:
- Translation: Kamen Kozarev, PhD
- Voiceover and audio editing order by the 'Friends of the Regional Natural History Museum - Plovdiv' Association.
- Produced by the 'DC TV Plovdiv' company for the Plovdiv Planetarium , part of the Regional Natural History Museum - Plovdiv (
Hungarian version:
- Hungarian narration: Klári Varga
- Translation: András Szepesi, Borbála Kulin
- Consultants: György Zajácz, Mercédesz Vágó
- Recording: Balázs Gyarmati, Csokonai Színház Stúdió, Debrecen
- Editing and post production: András Szepesi
- Hungarian version was produced by Agóra Science Center, Debrecen
Dutch version:
- Production: Cozmix planetarium - Volkssterrenwacht Beisbroek vzw (Brugge, Belgium)
- Translation: Ruben Derycke, Rinus Holvoet, Frank Tamsin
- Narrator: Matthijs Vandekinderen
- Sound engineer: Steve Bosmans – Madman Recordings
Korean version was produced by National Science Museum (Rep. of Korea):
- Financial support: Metaspace (Metaspace), Seoul, Rep. of Korea
- Translation: Chang-hyun Baek, National Scinece Museum, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea
- Science editors: Chang-hyun Baek, National Scinece Museum, Daejeon, Rep. of Korea
- Narrator: Bo-ra Kang, KBS(Korean Broadcasting System), Seoul, Rep. of Korea
- Record producer and sound engineer: Ee-ra Sim, Hwang-Geum Media, Seoul, Rep. of Korea
Mandarin Version by Taihe Legend Film Co.,Ltd:
- Translator/Director: Meng Lyu, Claire Zhai, Bo Wang
- Narrator: Yao Li
- Recorded at Triopen Studio, Beijing, 2016
Slovak version:
- Translation: Drahoslava Výbochová, Marian Vidovenec at Slovenská ústredná hvezdáreň Hurbanovo (
- Production: Nowatron Elektronik, spol. s r.o., Czechia (
- Recorded at Štúdio DIMAS Bratislava 2016 (
Polish version:
- Translation: Olsztyn Planetarium and Astronomical Observatory: Dr Bartosz Dąbrowski and Dr Krzysztof Rochowicz. The recording was realized in the studio of “Radio Zachód” commissioned by the Kepler Science Centre – Venus Planetarium in Zielona Góra.
- Reads: Izabela Kwiatkowska
Swedish version by Lund University Planetarium, 2016:
- Translated by: Karl Wahlberg Jansson and Anna S. Árnadóttir
- Recording/Directing/Editing: Anna S. Árnadóttir
- Narrator: Rigmor Grönwall
Chinese translation (in traditional Chinese characters) by the Hong Kong Space Museum
- Translator: Eloise Chan, Gloria Cheung
Chinese translation (in simplified Chinese characters) by the Hong Kong Space Museum
- Translator: Eloise Chan, Gloria Cheung, ESO volunteer: Tai Ding
Malayalam version:
- Narration: Sri Sathya Sai Space Theatre
Arabic version:
- Producer: Cité des Sciences à Tunis
- Translator: Raoudha Selmi
- Narrator: Ikbel Kalboussi
Portuguese version:
- Gesoaldo Maia de Oliveira (Translator, narrator and editor) –
- Recorded in the studios of:
- Translation supervision: Dr. João Fernandes - Planetário do Observatório Geofísico e Astronômico da Universidade de Coimbra
- Editing test done in: Fulldome-planetarium and Planetário do Observatório Geofísico e Astronômico da Universidade de Coimbra
Portuguese from Brazil (stereo, surround and script):
- Brazilian portuguese version was produced by Espaço do Conhecimento UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil - 2017
- Audioproduction, recording and editing - Ronaldo Gino (La Table Studio)
- Sound supervision and audio post processing - Vitor Amaro
- Narration - Letycia Carneiro
- Translation - Nathalia N. J. Fonseca
Vietnamese version:
- Translation & voice over: Vy Khanh Nguyen Do
- Audio production provided by Ram TV and the Communication and Mass Media Department, Angelo State University, under the supervision of Donald Plachno
Turkish version:
- Production: İstanbul University Science Faculty E.C.A. Planetarium
- Recorded at: İstanbul University Science Faculty E.C.A. Planetarium
- Translation: Başar Coşkunoğlu
- Redaction: Tansel Ak
- Narration: Duygu Durmuş
- Audio Mix - Sound Engineering: Vedat Özgen (
- Consultant: Sinan Aliş
- Editing and Post-production: F. Korhan Yelkenci
Format: 4k master frames, 30 fps
Audio: 5.1 surround + Stereo in English, German, Greek and in many other languages (see right)
Crédit:ESO/Theofanis N. Matsopoulos ( Music: Johan B. Monell (