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The Carina Nebula around the Wolf–Rayet star WR 22
This image of part of the Carina Nebula was created from images taken through red, green and blue filters with the Wide Field Imager on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at ESO’s La Silla Observatory in Chile. It is centred on the unusual hot massive young star WR 22, a member of the rare class of Wolf–Rayet stars. The field of view is 0.55 x 0.55 degrees, covering a 72 x 72 light-year region at the distance of the nebula.
À propos de l'image
Identification: | eso1031a |
Type: | Observation |
Date de publication: | 28 juillet 2010 12:00 |
Communiqués de presse en rapport: | eso1031 |
Taille: | 8395 x 8261 px |
À propos de l'objet
Nom: | Carina Nebula, Eta Carinae, WR 22 |
Type: | Milky Way : Star : Type : Wolf-Rayet Milky Way : Nebula |
Distance: | 7500 années lumière |
Constellation: | Carina |
Catégorie: | Nebulae |
Formats des images
Fonds d'écran
Position (RA): | 10 41 27.53 |
Position (Dec): | -59° 40' 16.81" |
Field of view: | 33.29 x 32.77 arcminutes |
Orientation: | North is 1.6° right of vertical |
Couleurs & filtres
Domaine | Télescope |
Visible B | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |
Visible V | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |
Visible R | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |