Spectrum of two regions on Titan
Two of the many spectra obtained on January 16, 2005 with NACO and covering the 2.02 to 2.53 micron range. The blue spectrum corresponds to the brightest region on Titan's surface within the slit, while the red spectrum corresponds to the dark area around the Huygens landing site. In the methane band, the two spectra are equal, indicating a similar atmospheric content; in the methane window centred at 2.0 microns, the spectra show differences in brightness, but are in phase. This suggests that there is no real variation in the composition beyond different atmospheric mixings.
À propos de l'image
Identification: | eso0505e |
Type: | Graphique |
Date de publication: | 24 février 2005 |
Communiqués de presse en rapport: | eso0505 |
Taille: | 623 x 331 px |
À propos de l'objet
Nom: | Titan |
Type: | Solar System : Planet : Satellite |
Catégorie: | Solar System |
Formats des images
Couleurs & filtres
Domaine | Télescope |
Infrarouge Near-IR | Very Large Telescope NACO |