The Capodimonte Deep Field

This is a three-colour image of about 1/4 of the Capodimonte Deep Field (OACDF) obtained with the Wide-Field Imager (WFI) on the MPG/ESO 2.2-m telescope at the la Silla Observatory. It covers "OACDF Subfield no. 2 (OACDF2)" with an area of about 35 x 32 arcmin 2 (about the size of the full moon), and it is one of the "deepest" wide-field images ever obtained. It has been obtained by the combination of the B, V, and R stacked images of the OACDF2 field. The total exposure times in the three bands are 2 hours in B and V (12 ditherings of 10 min each were stacked to produce the B and V images) and 3 hours in R (13 ditherings of 15 min each). The mosaic images in the B and V bands were aligned relative to the R-band image and adjusted to a logarithmic intensity scale prior to the combination. The typical seeing was of the order of 1 arcsec in each of the three bands. Preliminary estimates of the three-sigma limiting magnitudes in B, V and R indicate 25.5, 25.0 and 25.0, respectively. More than 35,000 objects are detected above the three-sigma level.

Technical information : this image has been obtained by the combination of the B, V, and R stacked images of the OACDF2 field. The total exposure times in the three bands are 2 hours in B and V (12 ditherings of 10 min each were stacked to produce the B and V images) and 3 hours in R (13 ditherings of 15 min each). The mosaic images in the B and V bands were aligned relative to the R-band image and adjusted to a logarithmic intensity scale prior to the combination. The typical seeing was of the order of 1 arcsec in each of the three bands. Preliminary estimates of the three-sigma limiting magnitudes in B, V and R indicate 25.5, 25.0 and 25.0, respectively. More than 35,000 objects are detected above the three-sigma level. North is up and East is left.



À propos de l'image

Date de publication:10 avril 2001
Communiqués de presse en rapport:eso0116
Taille:3000 x 2579 px

À propos de l'objet

Nom:Capodimonte Deep Field
Type:Early Universe : Galaxy : Activity : AGN : Quasar
Early Universe : Cosmology : Morphology : Deep Field
Quasars and Black Holes

Formats des images

Grand JPEG
2,8 Mio
JPEG taille écran
387,5 Kio

Fonds d'écran

447,6 Kio
731,2 Kio
1,0 Mio
1,2 Mio
1,6 Mio


Position (RA):12 24 21.30
Position (Dec):-12° 35' 35.92"
Field of view:35.65 x 30.64 arcminutes
Orientation:North is 0.0° left of vertical