Location of AFGL 5142 in the constellation of Auriga
This chart shows the location of the star-forming region AFGL 5142, recently observed with ALMA, in the constellation of Auriga. The map shows most of the stars visible to the unaided eye under good conditions, and AFGL 5142 itself is highlighted with a red circle on the image.
Oikeudet:ESO, IAU and Sky & Telescope
Tunnistus: | eso2001d |
Tyyppi: | Taulukko |
Julkaisupäivä: | 15. tammikuuta 2020 12:00 |
Vastaavat julkaisut: | eso2001 |
Koko: | 3338 x 3430 px |
Tyyppi: | Unspecified : Sky Phenomenon : Night Sky : Constellation |
Kategoria: | Illustrations |