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Infrared/visible light comparison view of the Helix Nebula
This comparison shows a new view of the Helix Nebula acquired with the VISTA telescope in infrared light (left) and the more familiar view in visible light from the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope (right). The infrared vision of VISTA reveals strands of cold nebular gas that are mostly obscured in visible light images of the Helix.
Oikeudet:ESO/VISTA/J. Emerson. Acknowledgment: Cambridge Astronomical Survey Unit
Tunnistus: | eso1205d |
Tyyppi: | Havainto |
Julkaisupäivä: | 19. tammikuuta 2012 12:00 |
Vastaavat julkaisut: | eso1205 |
Koko: | 5224 x 2522 px |
Nimi: | Helix Nebula, NGC 7293 |
Tyyppi: | Milky Way : Nebula : Type : Planetary |
Etäisyys: | 700 valovuotta |
Kategoria: | Nebulae |
Värit ja suotimet
Kaista | Aallonpituus | Teleskooppi |
Infrapuna Y | 1.02 μm | Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy VIRCAM |
Infrapuna J+Y | Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy VIRCAM | |
Infrapuna K | 2.15 μm | Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy VIRCAM |
Infrapuna J | 1.25 μm | Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy VIRCAM |
Infrapuna K | 2.15 μm | Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy VIRCAM |