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Messier 78: a reflection nebula in Orion
This new image of the reflection nebula Messier 78 was captured using the Wide Field Imager camera on the MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope at the La Silla Observatory, Chile. This colour picture was created from many monochrome exposures taken through blue, yellow/green and red filters, supplemented by exposures through a filter that isolates light from glowing hydrogen gas. The total exposure times were 9, 9, 17.5 and 15.5 minutes per filter, respectively.
Oikeudet:ESO/Igor Chekalin
Tunnistus: | eso1105a |
Tyyppi: | Havainto |
Julkaisupäivä: | 16. helmikuuta 2011 12:00 |
Vastaavat julkaisut: | eso1105 |
Koko: | 8679 x 8411 px |
Nimi: | M 78, Messier 78 |
Tyyppi: | Milky Way : Nebula : Appearance : Reflection |
Etäisyys: | 1400 valovuotta |
Constellation: | Orion |
Kategoria: | Nebulae |
Position (RA): | 5 46 37.42 |
Position (Dec): | 0° 6' 40.62" |
Field of view: | 34.43 x 33.36 arcminutes |
Suuntaus: | Pohjoinen on 1.6° oikea pystysuuntaan nähden |
Värit ja suotimet
Kaista | Teleskooppi |
Optinen B | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |
Optinen V | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |
Optinen R | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |
Optinen H-alpha | MPG/ESO 2.2-metre telescope WFI |